Green shipping conference in Latin America

Green shipping conference in Latin America:
Implementing the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy by unlocking opportunities and investments
In July 2023, IMO adopted its 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships defining a clear pathway to phase-out greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping and marking the sector’s contribution to combat climate change.
Green shipping conference in Latin America (28 – 29 August 2023) explored the challenges and opportunities around the decarbonization of the shipping sector in the region. It discussed how shipping can further catalyse investments, maximizing the high renewable energy potential of Latin America countries while mitigating an adverse impact from IMO’s future climate measures on shipping and trade in Latin America. The event took place in Santiago, Chile and online.
Watch a recoding of the Conference: Day 1, Day 2/part 1; Day 2/part 2
Please find the photos of the Conference here.
Read more about the Conference here.
Please find the programme here.
The programme included sessions on:
1. IMO’s efforts to reduce GHG emissions from shipping and climate action in Latin America
2. Shipping as enabler of climate action and energy transition
3. Enabling shipping decarbonization across the maritime value chain
4. Implementing the IMO GHG Strategy
5. Financing the decarbonization of the shipping sector and the up-scaling of renewable fuels production in Latin America
6. Capacity building and partnerships for a decarbonized maritime sector
Mr. Arsenio Domínguez, Marine Environment Division, International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Mr. Carlos Salgado, Head, Latin America and the Caribbean, Technical Cooperation Division,IMO
More information
The conference was organized by IMO in collaboration with the Government of Chile.
Please see the
list of previous IMO climate events to move towards greener and more sustainable shipping in line with the IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships.