IMO and the Republic of Korea Symposium on IMO MASS Code

"Sailing together: Striving for a future-proof IMO MASS Code" Symposium
The Symposium "Sailing together: Striving for a future-proof IMO MASS Code" was co-sponsored by IMO and the Republic of Korea. The event was intended to support the ongoing effort of the Organization to develop a goal-based, non-mandatory MASS Code by expert presenters introducing the ongoing research and development of autonomous systems in the maritime sphere, as well as on successfully conducted MASS trials. The Symposium took place on 14 May 2024 at IMO Headquarters, London.
Please see the photo album here.
Please find more information about the event here.
Programme and presentations
Please see the programme here and below, as well as the presentations:
Symposium “Sailing together: Striving for a future-proof IMO MASS Code”
MC: Ms. Hyejin Park, Korea Maritime Cooperation Center
Opening session
- 09:30~09:35 Opening remarks - IMO Secretary-General
- 09:35~09:40 Congratulatory remarks - Ambassador (Permanent to IMO (ROK))
Session 1 - MASS, the Evolving Path of Technology
Moderator: TERLING JACOB, Principal Administrator, EC DG Mobility & Transport
- 09:40~10:00 Ongoing MASS projects in Norway - Sifis Papageorgiou Norway Maritime Authority, Principal Surveyor
- 10:00~10:20 On the development of verification procedures of autonomous navigation system and test scenarios for ensuring reliability - Dongjin Yeo KRISO, Principal Researcher
- 10:20~10:40 Coffee Break - Sponsored by the Republic of Korea
- 10:40~11:00 The sea-trials for the demonstration of autonomous ship technologies developed by KASS - Geuntae Yim KRISO, Principal Researcher
- 11:00~11:20 Development and demonstration of network security system using AI for maritime autonomous surface ship - Yongwook Yoon, Pentasecurity, Manager
- 11:20~11:40 Q&A
- 11:40~13:20 Lunch Break
Session 2 - MASS, Challenges for Harmonious Technology Development
Moderator: KRISTINE PRØSCH, Chief Product Officer, Massterly AS - A Kongsberg Wilhelmsen joint venture
- 13:20~13:40 Advance toward productization of autonomous navigation system, SAS - Eunkyu Lee, Samsung Heavy Industry, Senior Research Engineer
- 13:40~14:00 Developing a simple, usable and reliable assurance framework to enable wide scale MASS operations internationally - Andre Burgess, National Physical Laboratory (UK), Partnerships Manager, Assured Autonomy
- 14:00~14:20 Impacts and insights gained from the commercialization of autonomous navigation systems (HiNAS) - Hyogyeong Joo Avikus (HD Hyundai), Manager
- 14:20~14:40 Remotely operated survey fleet: Experience from the first 1000 missions - Shepard Smith XOcean, Chief Technical Officer//Transforming operations at sea - Sofia Lundmark and Gary Sanders Ocean Infinity, Fleet Safety & Security Manager
- 14:40~15:00 Maritime communication evolution for MASS - IMT-2030 related global collaboration activities in IMO, ITU-R, IALA, and 3GPP - Hyounhee Koo SyncTechno Inc, CEO
- 15:00~15:20 Q&A
- 15:20~15:45 Coffee Break Sponsored by the Republic of Korea
Session 3 - Development of MASS Code and Suggestion of operational aspect
Moderator: Han-seon Park, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Maritime Institute
- 15:45~16:00 Development of MASS Code - Charles McHardy, MASS CG Chair
- 16:00~16:20 The management of remote operations - Jan Pas, Aline Douxfils and Diederik Wéreau, Belgian Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport
- 16:20~16:40 Current status of system and policy related to autonomous ships in Korea - Sangseop Boem, Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries, Deputy Director
- 16:40~17:00 Cyber risk management for autonomous or remote-controlled ships - Frank Strom, USCG,Chief, Systems Engineering Division
- 17:00~17:20 Greener, safer and smarter logistics - with autonomous shipping - Kristine Prøsch Massterly AS - A Kongsberg Wilhelmsen joint venture, Chief Product Officer
- 17:20~17:40 Q&A
- 17:40~17:45 Closing remarks - Hiroyuki Yamada, IMO Maritime Safety Division Director
- 17:45~17:50 Commemorative photo
Past event
ʺMaking headway on the IMO MASS Code" Symposium - 30 May 2023
The Symposium on "Making headway on the IMO MASS Codeʺ was co-hosted by IMO and the Republic of Korea. The goal-based MASS Code is expected to be adopted as a mandatory Code under SOLAS in the future. The MASS Code will need to establish a robust safety regime for MASS that ensures safety of life at sea, as well as safety of cargo on board and the MASS itself. The event took place on 30 May 2023 at IMO Headquarters in London.
You can read a summary of the Symposium here, and find photos of the event here.
The Symposium was divided into three sessions. The aim was to contribute to the development of the MASS Code and to establish a network for international cooperation. The symposium provided an opportunity to share insights on autonomous operation technology which is being developed in the Republic of Korea and other States. The links between autonomous ships and ports were explored.
Please find more information here.
Read more about MASS here.