Symposium on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) 2025 and IMO MASS Code

"Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships as a reality:
the need for the IMO MASS Code"
IMO and the Government of Norway are co-organizing the Symposium "Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships as a reality: the need for the IMO
MASS Code". This event aims to facilitate collaboration in developing of the IMO MASS Code, while showcasing relevant
MASS industry projects, applications and operational experience.
The Symposium will support the development by IMO of a
goal-based, non-mandatory MASS Code, in providing expert presentations on the latest
research and development in maritime autonomous systems, along with insights from
successful MASS trials.
Date: 17 June 2025
Time: 9:00 am
Place: IMO
Headquarters, London, and online on IMO YouTube channel
The experience gained by Administrations, researchers, shipping companies and operators on the use of autonomous systems, including challenges, is considered to be conducive to the discussion in the MASS Working Group at the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 110).
Please find more details about the event on the Circular Letter No.4974
Find out more on the IMO MASS Code and autonomous shipping here.
Please find the provisional programme here.
Session 1 - Opening and Introduction
Session 2 - Projects (Part 1)
Session 3 - Operational Perspective
Lunch Break
Session 4 - Standards and development
Session 5 - Projects (Part 2)
Closing remarks
Member Governments, UN Agencies, IGOs and NGOs are required to provide, prior to the
meeting date, the names of all the members of their delegations attending the meeting via the
Online Meeting Registration System (OMRS).
Active participants are those attending meetings at IMO Headquarters in-person or remote-active participants authorized to take the floor, and passive participants are those able to follow proceedings remotely via live streaming. Remote-active participants will receive an email with a joining link for Zoom. Remote-passive participants will be sent a link to a Web stream of the session (live streaming), which will be broadcast via the IMODOCS page.
Please find more details about how to register here.
Read more
IMO Past Seminars on MASS
IMO Seminar on implications, challenges and opportunities of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) for ports and public authorities (April 2024)
IMO/Republic of Korea Symposium on ʺMaking headway on the IMO MASS Code” (May 2023)
IMO Seminar on legal issues including UNCLOS and MASS (April 2023)
IMO Seminar on Development of a Regulatory Framework for MASS (September 2022)