Regional webinars: addressing challenges faced by seafarers in COVID-19 pandemic

IMO is running a series of regional webinars to discuss and develop best practices aimed at addressing the current challenges seafarers are facing during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Organized by IMO’s Technical Cooperation Division, the events are aimed at governments, the industry, seafarers, seafarer-related charities and all government agencies involved in key issues such as crew changes and repatriation (e.g. port authorities, customs, immigration, ministries of health, foreign affairs, aviation, etc.).
Latin America region webinar (18 March 2021)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Latin American region.
Participation: IMO Member States in the Latin American region, representatives of government sectors and agencies (such as port authorities, customs, immigration, ministries of health, foreign affairs and aviation) that may be involved in crew change, repatriation and other aspects of the issue at hand.
Contact: For further information please contact the Latin America and Caribbean Section, Technical Cooperation Division (
Programme (in Spanish)
Speakers biographies (in Spanish)
Presentations (in Spanish)
Arab States and Mediterranean region webinar (22 December 2020)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Participation: for representatives from governments, maritime industry, seafarers, seafarer charities and related.
(click top right icon in youtube player for drop-down menu to select speaker)
West & Central Africa region (Anglophone) webinar (24 November 2020)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Participation: for IMO Member States in the subregion, women in shipping associations, ports association, health authorities, seafarers charities and other relevant stakeholders in matters relating to crew change and repatriation.
Contact: For further information please contact Ahmed Kirkukli Zada (
Speakers: List of speakers - West & Central Africa region webinar.pdf
(click top right icon in youtube player for drop-down menu to select speaker)
Western Asia & Eastern Europe region webinar (13 November 2020)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Asia & Eastern Europe
Participation: Relevant national authorities with a stake in border control, health issues, port State control, sea ports and airports from the following Member States were represented at the webinar: Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.
· HE Ms. Geneviève Jean-van Rossum, Ambassador of France and Permanent Representative to IMO
· Mr Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General (opening remarks)
· Dr Ninglan Wang, World Health Organization
· Mr Brandt Wagner, International Labour Organization
· Mr Guy Platten, International Chamber of Shipping
· Mr Branko Berlan, International Transport Workers' Federation
Presentations: Regional Webinar - ILO and WHO presentations.pdf
Asia region webinar (4 and 5 November 2020)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
Participation: for representatives from governments, maritime industry, seafarers, seafarer charities and related.
Programme & Speakers:
Asia webinar - programme.pdf
Flyer of the Speakers_final.pdf
Asia webinar - speaker biographies.pdf
Presentations: Hong Kong, China.pdf
International Labour Organization.pdf
International Maritime Organization.pdf
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.pdf
World Health Organization.pdf
Q&A report: Q&A report - Asia webinar.pdf
(click top right icon in youtube player for drop-down menu to select session)
Eastern and Southern Africa region webinar (21 October 2020)
Title: The challenges faced by seafarers and identification of best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Participation: for representatives from governments, maritime industry, seafarers, seafarer charities and related.
Contact: For further information please contact Ahmed Kirkukli Zada (
Speakers: IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, UN-OSAA, Stella Maris, ICS, Member States: Kenya, South Africa, Seychelles
(click top right icon in youtube player for drop-down menu to select speaker)