Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 17), 23-27 September 2024

The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 17) met for its 17th meeting ahead of the 82nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 82). The Group's report will be considered by MEPC 82 on Monday, 30 September. 

Proposals on candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures 

The Intersessional GHG Working Group continued its discussions on proposals on candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures. The 2023 IMO GHG Strategy commits Member States to developing and adopting (in late 2025): a technical element, namely a goal-based marine fuel standard regulating the phased reduction of a marine fuel's GHG intensity; and an economic element, on the basis of a maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism. MEPC 81 in March 2024 agreed an illustration of a possible draft outline of an “IMO net-zero framework” for cutting GHG emissions from international shipping.  

The Working Group Chair prepared a consolidated version of possible draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI in the form of a new Chapter 5 (Regulations on the IMO net-zero framework), based on proposed draft amendments submitted to the session.  

MEPC 82 will be invited to note the progress made by the Working Group, and  to use the consolidated version of the draft new Chapter 5, set out in annex 1 of its report (MEPC.82/WP.5), as the basis for its further work on the development of the basket of mid-term GHG reduction measures during the meeting.  

The text contained in annex 1 to document MEPC.82/WP.5 presents ‘work in progress’ to support further discussions, with the understanding that it would not prejudge any possible future changes to its contents and/or structure as deliberations progress.  

Further development of the Life Cycle GHG Assessment (LCA) framework  

The Working Group continued work on a further revision of the Guidelines on life cycle GHG intensity of marine fuels (LCA Guidelines). MEPC 81 adopted the revised 2024 LCA Guidelines by resolution MEPC.391(81).  

A GESAMP Working Group on Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels (GESAMP-LCA WG) has been established to review scientific and technical issues related to the life cycle assessment. 

The Working Group invited MEPC 82 to refer a number of submissions to the GESAMPLCA WG, including those related to default emission factors and slippage values for LNG, biofuels and ammonia.   

The Group also invited interested Member States and international organizations to consider making financial contributions to support the work of the GESAMP-LCA Working Group.  

The Working Group invited interested Member States to start preparing proposals for default emission factors, in order to allow the GESAMP-LCA Working Group to review these after MEPC 83 (scheduled to take place in April 2025). 

Fifth IMO GHG Study  

The Working Group discussed the proposed Fifth IMO GHG Study, following general support at MEPC 81 to initiate it. The Fourth IMO GHG Study was published in 2020.    

The Working Group welcomed document MEPC 82/7/3 by the Secretariat, providing a preliminary analysis of possible terms of reference for conducting the Fifth IMO GHG Study, including proposed timelines and associated logistical and administrative arrangements, and suggesting the potential establishment of a Steering Committee of Member States to oversee the conduct of the study.  

The Working Group requested the Secretariat to submit a revised document to MEPC 83, taking into account relevant documents and comments made. 

The Group noted that the primary use of the Study would be the provision of relevant information as input to the review of the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy, in accordance with the timelines set out in the Strategy. The Strategy is subject to a five-yearly review with the first review due in 2028.    

MEPC 82 

The report of the intersessional group will be presented to MEPC 82 as document MEPC.82/WP.5. A Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships is expected to be established during MEPC 82. 


The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 17) was chaired by Mr. Sveinung Oftedal (Norway). More than 900 participants registered for the meeting.  
