Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 13), 5-9 December 2022

Revised impact assessment procedure finalized by IMO GHG working group

The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 13), meeting ahead of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79), finalized the Revised procedure for assessing impacts on States of candidate measures to be applied to mid- and long-term measures.

The procedure for assessing impacts on States of candidate IMO GHG reduction measures identifies  what should be included in the different steps in the procedure, including possible impacts on the world fleet and how this may impact States, including developing countries, in particular small islands developing States (SIDS) and least developed countries (LDCs). The procedure also specifies  the respective roles of the proponent of a measure and of the Committee, without prejudging the substance of any future impact assessment. This revised procedure providing clarifications on the process and methodologies for the conduct of comprehensive impact assessments will be submitted for the MEPC 79 approval and will update MEPC.1/Circ.885.  

Revision of the initial IMO GHG Strategy

The group made progress in discussing the revision of the initial IMO GHG Strategy. The group discussed various proposals relating to the revision of the strategy and developed a working document to be further reviewed and developed by the Group during its future meetings.

The Marine Environment Protection Committee had previously agreed to adopt a revised and strengthened IMO GHG Strategy at the MEPC 80 session (3-7 July 2023), in line with the timeline set in the initial Strategy.  

Mid-term GHG reduction measures

The Group made progress in considering mid-term GHG reduction measures. Mid-term measures might include technical measures/components such as a GHG intensity of fuel standard; as well as economic measure(s)components such as a levy, reward, feebate or flat rate contribution. The Group noted increasing support for a possible combination of a technical element and an economic element within a basket of measures, which could effectively promote the energy transition of shipping and provide the world fleet with the needed incentive while contributing and ensuring a level playing field and a just and equitable transition.

In accordance with the IMO Work plan on the development of mid-term GHG reduction measures, the Group will continue its consideration of the proposed measure with a view to identify the priority measure(s) to be further developed as part of a basket of measures by MEPC 80. The Group also stressed that the impacts on States of a measure/combination of measures should be assessed and taken into account as appropriate before adoption of the measure(s).

Development of Marine Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines

The Group noted progress made in the development of Marine Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines (LCA Guidelines) by a Correspondence Group and endorsed its interim report. This includes development of an initial list of fuel pathways. The aim is to finalize and adopt the guidelines by MEPC 80. Revision of the Fuel oil Consumption Data Collection System

The Group noted broad support for a proposal to include additional data on transport work with higher granularity to support the analysis in the IMO Data Collection System of annual fuel consumption. The Group will further work on potential revisions in future sessions.

ISWG-GHG 13 report

The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 13) met 5-9 December 2022. The meeting was held in person, with hybrid participation and had more than 700 registered participants.

The report of the group will be submitted to the MEPC 79 session for consideration. The MEPC 79 session is expected to further discuss concrete proposals and comments related to the revision of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy. The MEPC 79 is expected to establish a Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships.

Future Intersessional Working Group sessions

The MEPC is invited to consider and approve the draft terms of reference for the next sessions, proposed as ISWG-GHG 14 (20 to 24 March 2023) and ISWG-GHG 15 (26 to 30 June 2023).

This would include to: further consider and finalize the development of the draft Revised IMO Strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships; further consider and finalize the assessment and selection of measure(s) to further develop in the context of Phase II of the Work plan for the development of mid- and long-term measures; further consider the revision of the IMO ship fuel oil consumption Data Collection System (DCS); and consider the final report of the Correspondence Group on Marine Fuel Life Cycle GHG Analysis with a view to finalization of the LCA Guidelines. 
