Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment, 11th session (SSE 11), 24-28 February 2025

The Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment met for its 11th session at IMO Headquarters in London (in person with hybrid participation) from 24 to 28 February 2025. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Hironori Eguro (Japan), supported by the Vice-Chair, Mr. Cristiano Aliperta (Palau).  

Design and prototype test requirements of free-fall lifeboat release systems for simulated launching – draft amendments to LSA Code and associated regulations agreed 

The International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) outlines technical requirements for the manufacturing, testing and maintenance of life-saving appliances. The Sub-Committee agreed to draft amendments to chapter IV of the LSA Code, for approval by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 110) and adoption by MSC 111. 

These draft amendments provide design and prototype test requirements for free-fall lifeboat release systems used during simulated launching (without actually launching them into the water), to be applicable to all new free-fall lifeboats (from 1 January 2031). This is to ensure the safety of seafarers and prevent accidents during inspections and safety drills for lifeboats.   

In addition, any parts of the system that are exposed to the sea must be made of corrosion-resistant materials that do not need extra coatings or galvanization (except for temporarily installed equipment). 

Consequential amendments to associated instruments:  

In conjunction with the draft amendments to the LSA Code, the Sub-Committee agreed to draft amendments to the following: 

  • resolution MSC.81(70) on Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances. These amendments have to do with specific arrangements for testing the lifeboat release mechanisms, namely that the system must be designed to handle at least six times the maximum expected weight, including people and equipment. The draft amendments will be submitted with a view to approval, in principle, by MSC 110 and adoption by MSC 111.  

  • resolution MSC.402(96) on Requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats, launching appliances and release gear. These amendments would require the thorough examination and testing of simulated free-fall lifeboat release systems on board ships to be completed every year, beginning from 1 January 2031. The draft amendments will be submitted with a view to approval by MSC 110 and adoption by MSC 111. 

The Sub-Committee agreed to consequential draft amendments to the following circulars, with a view to approval by MSC 111: 

  • MSC.1/Circ.1205/Rev.1 on Revised guidelines for developing operation and maintenance manuals for lifeboat systems

  • MSC.1/Circ.1529 on Unified Interpretations of Paragraph of the LSA Code

  • MSC.1/Circ.1578 on Guidelines on safety during abandon ship drills using lifeboats; and 

  • MSC.1/Circ.1630/Rev.3 on Revised standardized life-saving appliance evaluation and test report forms

New requirements for ventilation of survival craft – preliminary draft amendments agreed 

The Sub-Committee discussed new ventilation requirements for partially enclosed lifeboats (PELBs), to be included in both the LSA Code and Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)). Proper ventilation is essential for safety, health and comfort for survival at sea. 

The Sub-Committee developed preliminary draft amendments and invited interested Member States and international organizations to submit proposals on CO2 concentration threshold to the next session of the Sub-Committee (SSE 12) for further development.  

Challenges in the implementation of maintenance and testing requirements for lifeboats and rescue boats 

The Sub-Committee progressed its work on the comprehensive review of MSC resolution MSC.402(96) on the Requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operation testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear, aiming to address challenges with their implementation. 

The Sub-Committee discussed certain definitions, the authorization of service providers, including equipment manufacturers, covering issues, such as the ambiguity in defining who qualifies as an authorized service provider (ASP) and the specific equipment they are authorized to service.  

The Sub-Committee will continue its work to develop draft amendments to resolution MSC.402(96), taking into account the list of issues still to be addressed to ensure consistent implementation of its provisions. Interested Member States and international organizations were invited to submit proposals to SSE 12 on this issue. 

Further work on Life-Saving Appliances (LSA)  

The Sub-Committee agreed to establish Correspondence Groups on Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) to work on the following tasks intersessionally: 

  • Development of draft amendments to the LSA Code for partially enclosed lifeboats, and any consequential amendments to other regulations 

  • Development of draft functional requirements and expected performances for the revision of SOLAS chapter III 

  • Development of amendments to SOLAS chapter III and the LSA Code regarding the carriage of self-righting or canopied reversable life rafts for new ships. 

The Correspondence Groups will submit a report to SSE 12. 

Draft revision of the Code of practice for atmospheric oil mist detectors finalized 

The Sub-Committee finalized the revision of the Code of practice for atmospheric oil mist detectors (MSC.1/Circ.1086), with a view to approval by MSC 110. This code of practice aims to enhance safety in maritime operations by addressing the fire risks associated with oil mist (tiny droplets of oil suspended in the air) in engine rooms.  

The Code of practice was updated to reflect current technologies, including those that can better monitor and detect airborne oil mist, providing early warnings of dangerous accumulations and reflecting latest standards.  

Further work on fire protection 

The Sub-Committee continued discussions on various issues related to fire safety and protection, and established Fire Protection Correspondence Groups to work on the following tasks intersessionally: 

  • Revision of the 2010 International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures (FTP Code) to allow for new fire protection systems and materials, 

  • Review and update of SOLAS regulation II-2/9 on containment of fire to incorporate existing guidance and clarify requirements 

  • Development of amendments to SOLAS chapter II-2 and the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) concerning detection and control of fires in cargo holds and on the cargo deck of containerships 

  • Evaluation of adequacy of fire protection, detection and extinction arrangements in vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces, in order to reduce the fire risk of ships carrying new energy vehicles. 

The Correspondence Groups will report back to SSE 12. 

Unified interpretations 

The Sub-Committee discussed the procedural aspects of considering unified interpretations (UIs) by International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and by IMO, the outcome of which will be brought to the attention of MSC 110, as appropriate.  

The Sub-Committee agreed to the following unified interpretations, with a view to approval by MSC 110: 

  • UIs of the LSA Code regarding the launching of rescue boats; 

  • UIs of SOLAS and the HSC Codes concerning fire-extinguishing media restrictions (PFOS); 

  • UI of the FSS Code related to acceptable spacing of smoke and heat detectors; and 

  • UI of SOLAS concerning uniform documentation of lifting appliances load testing and certification. 

Model course on survey of fire appliances and provisions validated 

The Sub-Committee validated model course 3.05 on Survey of Fire Appliances and Provisions. The course focuses on procedures and requirements for the verification of compliance with IMO conventions related to maritime safety. 

The Sub-Committee agreed to revise model course 3.06 on Survey of Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements, with a view to validation by SSE 12, as appropriate. 
