A regional train-the-trainer course on maritime law enforcement has been held at the Mohammed Bin Naif Academy for Maritime Science and Security Studies in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (29 April-10 May). The IMO-led course aims to provide official with the necessary skills to be able to train colleagues in their own countries in dealing with piracy and other crimes at sea. The course, attended by 19 officials from 18 signatory States* to the Djibouti Code of Conduct and Bahrain, is in line with the objectives of the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct. Article 14 of the Jeddah Amendment calls for regional cooperation on the development and promotion of training and educational programs on security-related matters in respect of the management of the marine domain, particularly for the maintenance of safety and law and order at sea, and the preservation and protection of the marine environment and sustainable use of marine living resources.
In adopting the Jeddah Amendment in January 2017, the region sought a long term comprehensive solution that would address strategic threats, including terrorism against oil and gas installations and transport systems, trafficking in drugs, weapons and people, and illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. The value of a well-developed maritime sector and blue economy has been recognized within the context of sustainable development goals and the prevention of violent extremism.
The course is the second of three activities to be implemented jointly between IMO and the Saudi Border Guard, during 2018, with financial assistance from Saudi Arabia. In March, a three week-long regional training course focused on combating piracy and other threats to safety and security at sea. The third event will be a high level workshop (7-10 May) for all signatory States to the Jeddah Amendment, donors and implementing partners.
*Participating States are: Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania and Yemen.