The latest in a series of workshops on developing a national maritime transport policy has been held in Accra, Ghana (13-15 March). IMO is promoting the development of national maritime transport policy as a means to bring all relevant stakeholders together, and create a policy to achieve the maritime vision of a country and ensure that the sector is governed in an efficient, sustainable, safe and environmentally sound manner. This can help ensure a coordinated approach to a sustainable maritime transport sector  - which in turn can contribute to the country’s sustainable socio-economic development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (Watch the NMTP video here.)

The Accra workshop involved participants from nearly 20 institutions, including ministries, state agencies and stakeholder agencies. Ghana has recently revised its National Transport Policy, which itself includes policy goals and objectives relating to the maritime transport sector. The workshop participants adopted a set of conclusions, among which they urge the relevant national authorities to initiate and lead the process for the development and adoption of a national maritime transport policy and related strategy.

The workshop was organized by IMO, in close cooperation with the Ghana Maritime Authority and the Ministry of Transport, with the active involvement of the World Maritime University (WMU). IMO and WMU officials facilitated the workshop.