Suriname is the latest country to benefit from IMO's work promoting good governance practice in the maritime sector to support sustainable development. A National Workshop on Maritime Transport Policy took place in Paramaribo, Suriname (15-17 November).
The workshop provided some 30 participants from public and private sector entities with knowledge on the importance of developing and adopting a holistic National Maritime Transport Policy (NMTP). The workshop also highlighted the importance of an NMTP to spearhead the country's accession to international maritime treaties and their implementation in national legislation. Additionally, participants learned about the theory of policy and the formulation process and content of an NMTP.
Suriname is initiating the process of developing and adopting an NMTP and related strategies in collaboration with relevant public and private sector entities and stakeholders under the coordination of a Task Force established under the auspices of the Suriname National Maritime Association (SNMA).