IMO has updated the United Nations Bonn Climate Change Conference (5-15 June) on the Organization's work towards adopting a revised Strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from shipping. The upgraded strategy is set to be adopted at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), which meets 3-7 July following a meeting of the Intersessional GHG Working Group (26-30 June).

In a statement to the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body and for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), IMO's Camille Bourgeon highlighted the mandatory energy efficiency regulations already adopted by IMO and ongoing work to ensure that international shipping bears its fair share of responsibility in addressing climate change.

As it continues to look at how to incentivize the availability and scalability of sustainable low-and zero-carbon marine fuels and technologies in the near future, IMO will continue to support developing countries, in particular Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries, with a view to ensuring a just and equitable transition to low-carbon shipping and seizing development opportunities arising from the decarbonization of the maritime sector.

IMO is also accelerating its efforts in developing the necessary safety regulatory framework allowing the safe handling of future marine fuels on board ships.

Download full IMO Submission to SBSTA 58.

Read more about IMO's GHG work here.

Read more about IMO and the UNFCC here.