Caribbean island countries have shared their state of readiness regarding the mandatory operation of Maritime Single Window (MSW) from January 2024. An MSW enables the digitalized exchange of information required on ships’ arrival at a port, their stay and their departure.

Under amendments to the FAL Convention which enter into force on 1 January 2024, implementation of MSWs by ports is mandatory.

A panel on “Maritime Single Window - Compliance with IMO January 2024 Deadline” was arranged during the 26th annual general meeting of the Port Management Association of the Caribbean (PMAC), held in Antigua and Barbuda (28-30 June), with around 110 participants. Julian Abril, representing IMO, explained the obligations and opportunities of implementing MSW in ports around the world. Also participating were Krista Lucenti, Senior Trade Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank, Martin Humphrey, Lead Transport Economist of the World Bank, Patrick Verhoeven, Managing Director of IAPH. The discussion was moderated by Pascal Olivier, Chair of the Data Collaboration Committee of IAPH.