A joint IMO/Republic of Korea (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries) programme offering practical onboard training opportunities to maritime cadets is underway.  

The IMO-RoK Global On-Board Training Programme (GOTP) addresses requirements outlined in the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW Convention).  

The training programme, provided by the Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology (KIMFT), is running from 1 November to 3 December. It consists of five days focused on basic safety followed by 20 days’ onboard training, which includes a coastal voyage aboard the KIMFT training ship Hanwoori 

This year’s IMO-RoK GOBT intake comprises of 15 cadets - three each from Ghana and Senegal, and nine from Ukraine. Whilst learning technical skills, the trainees have a unique opportunity to experience Korean culture and foster international friendships. 

A ceremony was held on 16 November to welcome the cadets and to strengthen ties between them and the Korean maritime industry, with a view to potential future career possibilities.  

The ceremony was attended by dignitaries from Busan Metropolitan City and the Embassies of Ghana and Ukraine. Also present were representatives of the Korea Ship Managers’ Association (KOSMA), the Korea Shipowners’ Association (KSA), the Korea Marine Officers’ Association, Federation of Korean Seafarers’ Union (FKSU), Women in Maritime Association Korea (WIMA Korea) and prominent Korean shipping companies. 

The IMO-RoK Global On-Board Training Programme was launched in 2021. It is expected to run annually, organized by KIMFT with support from IMO.