A national implementation workshop has been held in Jakarta, Indonesia (18-19 May), under the auspices of the IMO-Norad environmental project, which is supporting six east Asian countries to prepare for the ratification and implementation of key IMO marine environmental conventions. The Indonesian National Stakeholder Workshop and Project Monitoring Meeting discussed the National Implementation Plans for the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM) and the Anti-fouling Systems Convention (AFS), both of which Indonesia has acceded to. For the BWM convention, the meeting discussed the immediate next steps to develop detailed implementation regulations as well as plans to undertake port biological baseline surveys to support risks assessments and compliance monitoring and enforcement. More than 50 national stakeholders attended the meeting and workshop, which was facilitated by IMO’s Jose Matheickal. Support from the IMO-Norad Project has helped Indonesia to undertake necessary legal, policy and institutional reforms and prepare for the implementation of the BWM Convention, which is close to reaching entry into force criteria.