The next five-year strategy (2016-2021) for prevention and response to marine pollution from ships in the Mediterranean is being discussed at the Eleventh Meeting of the Focal Points of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), at the centre’s headquarters in Malta (15-17 June). Mr Dandu Pughiuc is attending from IMO, which administers REMPEC on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP-MAP). The meeting will also discuss and agree the proposed programme of work of REMPEC for the biennium 2016-2017.
The draft strategy and work programme will be submitted to a meeting of the MAP Focal Points (October 2015) and the 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols (February 2016) for adoption. Attending the meeting in Malta are official Governmental Focal Points for UNEP-MAP as well as representatives from relevant United Nations Organizations, other Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, the shipping industry and international professional organizations and associations.