​2022 World Maritime Day Parallel Event, South Africa (closing)

2022 World Maritime Day Parallel Event, South Africa2022 World Maritime Day Parallel Event, South Africa

Closing remarks by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim 

14 October 2022

Deputy Minister, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, 

We have reached the end of what has been a very interesting and insightful event. 

We have reconvened and reconnected after the hiatus due to the COVID pandemic and it has been immensely rewarding. 

More than that – we have had an opportunity to move conversations forward with respect to many current issues and I am very gratified to have seen so many people from so many countries participating in this event and sharing their ideas and experience. We have all been enriched as a result.

You have done justice to the World Maritime theme of 2022 – "New technologies for greener shipping", with insight into how IMO regulation drives innovation forward.

We have heard about specific examples of new technologies being developed and trialled and we have seen many exciting glimpses into real-world applications of them in the exhibition centre.

You have covered digitalization and automation with a view to the future of shipping. And everyone has acknowledged the need for further efforts towards increased diversity in shipping.

Above all, the conversation has been about partnerships.

The maritime sector is in transition and this transition must be just and inclusive. We must and will work together to achieve this.

You have heard about, and been inspired by, IMO's capacity-building programmes and global projects.

IMO will continue to build partnerships with developing countries and donor countries, with finance institutes, with academia and with the private sector.

Collaboration, cooperation and communication are vital for Maritime's future.

At this moment, I would like to take the time to quote Nelson Mandela, who so rightly said:

"A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of."

I also thank the Ministers and high-level officials who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the high-level meeting on Wednesday.

We exchanged views on many topics pertinent to IMO's work over the coming year and beyond.

I also want to thank the speakers and moderators in the panel discussions: you brought the issues to life here in Durban.

And of course, I must give my heartfelt appreciation for the special touches that make these events so special: I am talking here about the rich display of culture, the excellent music, dancing and special tours.

We will all remember with gratitude the warm welcome we have received and enjoyed in Durban over the past few days.

On behalf of all IMO Member States and, indeed, the maritime community as a whole, I would like to renew our thanks and appreciation to the Government of South Africa for generously hosting this year's World Maritime Day Parallel Event here.

My special thanks to His Excellency, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Fikile Mbalula, to the Deputy Minister, the Honourable Sindisiwe Chikunga and their entire team that has put together this magnificent event.

Also, my appreciation goes to the team of the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA), led by Acting Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Zamzachonco Chonco.

Firstly, I would like to present a commemorative plaque to South Africa, in appreciation and recognition of the successful hosting this year's magnificent event.

And then, we will proceed with our established tradition in which the host country of the year's Parallel Event hands over the ceremonial flag to the host of the next.

Thank you.