Opening Ceremony of the 2023 International Maritime Education Forum, 22 September 2023

Opening Remarks by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Kitack Lim

22 September 2023

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to address you today as we convene for the International Maritime Education Forum.

The maritime industry, at its core, drives the global economy, and the well-being of its workforce, particularly seafarers, is of paramount importance. Having been a seafarer myself, their safety and security hold a special place in my heart. The key to preserving their safety lies in providing continuous, up-to-date education and training, adapting to emerging technologies.

At the International Maritime Organization (IMO), we prioritize the human element in our decision-making processes, and we incorporate it into our regulatory framework. Recognizing its importance, the IMO Assembly has updated our Strategic Plan, elevating the Human Element to a key Strategic Direction. This framework enhances our engagement and focuses on this vital aspect of our work.

We take a multi-faceted approach to address the challenges faced by maritime personnel, including policy development and partnerships with other agencies and industry stakeholders. Collaborating with governments and international organizations, we aim to enhance maritime safety and security comprehensively.

Education and training are fundamental; the skills of maritime personnel must continuously evolve to keep pace with emerging trends.

We actively collaborate with IMO's training institutions, the World Maritime University, and the IMO Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), to ensure that training encompasses the latest developments and emerging technologies.

We are also undertaking a comprehensive review of the international treaty governing seafarer training and certification - the STCW Convention. This review offers an opportunity to assess the convention's requirements for adequately training and re-skilling seafarers as the shipping industry undergoes transformation towards sustainability and efficiency using new technologies.

The maritime industry plays a pivotal role in global efforts to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Simultaneously, to boost efficiency and sustainability, the industry has embraced digitalization and automation. These changes are profound and complex, necessitating a strong focus on the future maritime workforce.

Seafarers' voices and actions are critical for a just transition to a zero-carbon, digital future. We must ensure that maritime personnel, particularly our seafarers, remain at the forefront of this monumental transformation.

IMO will provide the necessary framework and proper assistance to ensure that education, training, and skills development for the maritime workforce evolve in line with current and future industry developments, fostering a sustainable shipping sector.

This transition also offers an opportunity to engage younger generations and attract more women to the industry, spanning all regions of the world. Many will build careers in renewable energy generation and energy efficiency technologies, essential for the future of shipping.

We must rise to the challenge and prepare a workforce capable of operating the green ships of the future safely, efficiently, and securely. I am confident that, collectively, we can achieve this.

As we can see from theme of this Forum, we all acknowledge the ongoing transitions in maritime, including decarbonization, automation, and digitalization.

Our mission is to ensure an equitable transition that leaves no one behind.

Maritime personnel and seafarers from all nations must possess the right skills and training to continue contributing to a continuously evolving global trade landscape.

Maritime Education and Training institutions are pivotal in this endeavour. Let us work together to secure a brighter future for all maritime personnel and the industry.

I would like to extend my best wishes for a highly successful Forum.

Thank you.