34th extraordinary session of the Council, 8-12 November (opening remarks)


(8-12 November)

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

I wish to welcome you to the virtual meetings of the thirty-fourth extraordinary session of the Council.

I am pleased to open this session from the city of Glasgow where the world is meeting to deliberate on the future of our planet in the 26th meeting of Contracting parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. IMO's engagement at COP 26 is in furtherance of our leadership of our vital sector's efforts to contribute to the world's fight against climate change.

It also gives me great pleasure to inform you that following the deposit of the instrument of acceptance to the IMO Convention with the United Nations on 22 October 2021, IMO is one member stronger with our newest Member State, the Republic of Botswana. I warmly welcome Botswana to the IMO family.

As the Council Chair has already mentioned you have a very substantive agenda ahead of you.

Amongst some of the important agenda items are the consideration of the revised budget proposal, the approval of the revised Strategic Plan for the six-year period 2018 to 2023, including a new strategic direction on the human element, the preparations for the forthcoming session of the Assembly scheduled for the beginning of December as well as agenda items that have been postponed from our last session including documents on the relations to intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

As always, the Secretariat remains committed to do its utmost to support Member States in ensuring that we can continue with our important work on issues that will shape the Organization and the shipping industry's future.

I am confident that you will have open and informative discussions and will reach agreement on the agenda items under consideration to pave the way for the upcoming 32nd session of the Assembly.

I have no doubt that with the usual IMO spirit of cooperation and the able leadership of your Chair Admiral Edmundo Deville of Peru you will be successful in your deliberations.

Let me conclude by thanking you once again for your continued confidence, support, and cooperation.

Thank you.