Council, 125th session (C 125) (closing remarks)

CLOSING REMARKS C 125 Kitack Lim,  Secretary-General 

Excellencies, distinguished delegates and observers,

I would like to congratulate the Council for the constructive and very successful outcome of this session with respect to several important policies including the Council Reform, the Strategic Directions, the preparatory consideration for the upcoming Assembly and the general management of the Organization, among other things, within the time constraint throughout the meeting.

I would like to thank you for providing the Secretariat with the necessary guidance to start with the preparations for a remote session of the 32nd session of the Assembly. Rest assured that we will continue to regularly brief you on the logistical arrangements and preparations for the Assembly. We are planning for the next briefing to take place in early September.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support and endorsement of the outline of the Organization’s regular budget for the 2022-2023 biennium, acknowledging the efforts by the Secretariat to keep the proposal within Zero Real Growth and for the Zero Nominal Assessment. 

I will present the final budget proposal to the extraordinary session of Council bearing in mind the guidance from the Council meeting.

I can assure you that the Secretariat will continue to deliver our work as efficiently as possible paying particular attention to the financial challenges faced by Member States due to COVID-19.

I also thank you for approving the 2022 World Maritime Theme “New technologies for greener shipping”, showcasing IMO’s active support for a greener transition of the shipping sector into a sustainable future through maritime innovation, research and development.

I would also like to congratulate Mr. Paul Sadler on the approval for the award of the 2020 International Maritime Prize.

I would like to thank those delegates and experts, who are leaving us for various reasons, for their contributions to the work of the Council and indeed this Organization. I wish them all the best for the future. At this session we say farewell to:

Mr. Kanagalingam T. Selvarasah of Malaysia;
Ambassador Ana Aureny Aguirre O. Sunza of Mexico;
Captain Mostafa Tafrhy of Morocco; 
Her Excellency Mrs. Tamar Beruchashvili, Former Permanent Representative of Georgia; and
Her Excellency Ms. Enna Park, of the Republic of Korea, the Second Vice President of the IMO Assembly 

Your experience, diplomacy, dedication, and devotion to the work of the Organization will be sorely missed and I would like to wish you every success and thank you for your great support and collaboration.

My appreciation also goes to the officers and staff of the Secretariat who have contributed to the successful Council meeting with their tireless efforts, often working very long hours to serve your meetings with high quality support services. I would also pay respect to the interpreters, for their skill in facilitating our communication. I am extremely fortunate to count on the support, experience, and dedication of such a great team.

Finally, I wish, once again, to wholeheartedly express my sincere thanks to the Chair of the Council, Admiral Edmundo Deville del Campo of Peru. Your patience and outstanding leadership have enabled us to smoothly navigate through a very busy agenda. I would also thank the Chairs of the two working groups Ms. Annalisse Sly of Australia and Mr. Victor Jimenez of Spain for their invaluable contribution to the work of the Council at this session.

Distinguished delegates, 

Once again, thank you all for your unprecedented contributions and efforts not only during this Council but throughout the whole preparatory period to date. All these achievements would not have been possible without your cooperation, collaboration, and the overwhelming support. I am convinced that, together, we will continue to deliver the results that are expected from this respected and vital Organization. 

I hope to see you all back again in November for the Council and the Assembly.

Please keep safe everyone, wherever you are and have a nice weekend.   

Thank you.