China Global Sustainable Transport Forum plenary session, 25 September 2023

Remarks by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Kitack Lim

25 September 2023

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation for the warm welcome and gracious invitation extended to me by the Government of the People's Republic of China.

It is a privilege to address you today on a subject of utmost importance – international shipping and its pivotal role in advancing sustainable transport, underpinned by the international regulatory framework established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

In the face of unprecedented global challenges and uncertainties, the international shipping industry remains a steadfast force, ensuring global connectivity through the seamless flow of goods across the world.

It serves as the lifeblood of the global economy and plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the international supply chain.

Nevertheless, it is essential that we recognize and reflect upon the profound transformation currently underway within the maritime industry.

Shipping is undergoing a remarkable evolution as it grapples with the imperative of addressing climate change while embracing the latest technological advancements, particularly in the realms of digitalization and automation.

Successfully navigating this significant transition, affecting not only shipping, but the transport sector as a whole, and addressing the evolving needs of a green and sustainable transport sector, including maritime, requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders across the global supply chain.

IMO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, serves as the global facilitator for such collaborations.

As the standard-setting body for shipping, IMO ensures that the maritime sector operates safely, securely, efficiently, and sustainably, thereby supporting global trade.

As part of the UN system, we are also dedicated to realizing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular focus on combatting climate change and ensuring the sustainable use of our oceans.

IMO is at the forefront of guiding international shipping through this unprecedented period of transformation. We are committed to fulfilling our obligations in the fight against climate change while simultaneously integrating the latest technologies to advance digitalization and automation.

Digitalization and automation are increasingly integral to daily operations within the shipping sector.

To enhance the efficiency of shipping, digitalization is being harnessed to support maritime logistics hubs.

IMO has adopted mandatory measures for electronic data exchange and the establishment of single-window systems in ports, significant steps towards accelerating digitalization in maritime trade. Moreover, IMO is actively developing a goal-based instrument for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS Code).

IMO stands ready to embark on strategic partnerships and the provision of resources to find tangible solutions as we voyage towards a digital future.

In this spirit of collaboration, the maritime community is united in the fight against climate change.

A significant milestone in this endeavour is the recent adoption of IMO's 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping.

This groundbreaking achievement sets an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around, i.e. close to, 2050, an accomplishment made possible through years of strenuous negotiations, unanimously approved by all Member States.

However, achieving this net-zero goal requires the diligent implementation of comprehensive measures. We call upon your continued support and cooperation in this endeavour.

IMO's ambitious strategy incentivizes technology development, innovation, and research into low- and zero-carbon fuels, with encouraging signs of progress in research and development globally, including hydrogen and ammonia vessels in pilot stages.

Simultaneously, through our technical cooperation and capacity building programmes, IMO is actively assisting Member States in implementing these measures to ensure a smooth transition towards sustainable energy sources.

The green future holds significant opportunities for countries to support the production and supply of low and zero-carbon fuels, drive sustainable maritime sector growth, and participate in retrofitting and shipbuilding activities aligned with decarbonization goals.

It is imperative that shipping's decarbonization voyage includes everyone and leaves no one behind.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Throughout its history, the shipping industry has successfully navigated numerous transitions.

Through collaboration within our global maritime community, we have overcome many challenges and charted a course toward success.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to IMO Member States and maritime stakeholders for their unwavering support of IMO's work.

As we continue our journey toward decarbonizing shipping, embracing digitalization and automation, and supporting our seafarers, let us remember that together, through collaboration, we have the power to shape a prosperous future for the maritime industry and our planet.

Thank you.