Opening ceremony, 3rd North Bund Forum 2023 "Openness, Co-operation and Innovation", 22 September 2023

Opening remarks by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Kitack Lim

22 September 2023

Your Excellency Secretary Chen, excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

It is a great pleasure to speak at the opening of the North Bund Forum 2023.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China and the Shanghai Municipal Government for their dedicated efforts in organizing this remarkable event.

It is truly a privilege for me to address this Forum for the third time, providing an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and make new acquaintances in the vibrant city of Shanghai, and to share insights and ideas regarding the sustainable development of the shipping industry.

The North Bund Forum is an important event in the international shipping calendar, bringing together participants from across the global maritime community, including representatives from governments, international organizations, shipping companies, and research institutions.

Our shared objective is to explore this year's theme, "Openness, Cooperation, and Innovation," a theme that seamlessly aligns with the core values of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

These values emphasize active engagement in innovation and collaboration among all maritime stakeholders, working hand-in-hand to enhance maritime safety, security, shipping efficiency, and marine environmental protection.

As the global regulator for shipping, IMO remains steadfast in ensuring that the maritime sector delivers cargo safely, securely, and sustainably around the world.

Our regulatory framework is constantly evolving to address emerging trends, developments, and challenges facing the maritime community. These challenges encompass the imperative to combat climate change and adapt to evolving technologies, including digitalization and automation.

Through extensive collaboration with stakeholders, we collectively drive the industry's development and innovation, with the aim of achieving sustainable growth in the international maritime sector.

China has been a staunch supporter of IMO's goals and objectives, actively participating in the development of international instruments and standards, engaging constructively in negotiations and discussions, and advocating for the implementation of IMO instruments and measures.

China has also played a significant role in IMO's technical cooperation programs, sharing maritime expertise and knowledge with developing nations.

To address global challenges, IMO and China have jointly championed climate mitigation actions through the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre (MTCC) Asia, with the generous support of the Shanghai Municipal Government.

I express my deep appreciation for the continued commitment from the Chinese government, and I firmly believe that through our collective efforts, we will ensure that no one is left behind as we propel the maritime sector to new heights.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let us remember the paramount importance of collaboration. It is through effective cooperation that we can steer this transition to make shipping greener, more resilient, more efficient, and more sustainable, ultimately benefiting all of humanity.

I eagerly anticipate the insightful discussions and exchanges of views that will take place at this Forum, as I am confident that they will serve as catalysts for the prosperity and sustainable development of the shipping industry.

Thank you!