Council, 129th session - opening remarks

129th session of the Council (C129), 17-21 July 2023

Opening remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Thank you, Mr. Chair,

Ministers, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.

I am honoured to welcome each and every one of you to the 129th session of Council. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to those joining us remotely.

The first half of 2023 has been marked by incredible progress and productivity. We have achieved significant milestones and set the stage for a new era in maritime decarbonization.

Just over a week ago, the 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping was adopted during MEPC 80. This historic development signals a turning point in our efforts to combat climate change in the maritime industry.

This achievement would not have been possible without the high level of cooperation, collaboration, and patience demonstrated by our Member States and industry representatives.

Distinguished delegates,

The agenda before us this week holds great importance as it will guide the work of the IMO for the next biennium and beyond.

During this session, you will have the privilege of electing my successor, the next IMO Secretary-General.

Additionally, the development of the Strategic Plan for the period from 2024 to 2029 will play a crucial role in paving the way forward for our Organization in the years to come.

Budgetary matters will also be discussed, including updates on budget considerations for 2023 and a budget outline for the next biennium, 2024-2025.

We are keenly aware of the challenges posed by inflation and have made every effort to keep the budget at the lowest practical amount. Our aim is to strike a balance that recognizes the budgetary difficulties faced by all while ensuring that the Secretariat can continue delivering its expanding work program.

We are now more than halfway through the trial period of the hybrid capabilities, and we eagerly await your comments and recommendations on the future of this approach within our organization.

I would like to highlight our ongoing efforts to enhance multilingualism and commend the engagement of Member States in this regard. I want to assure you all that multilingualism is of utmost importance to the Secretariat and myself personally.

We have already initiated work on a Policy Framework on Multilingualism, and I invite you all to collaborate with us in this endeavour.

Distinguished delegates,

I am truly delighted to see you here today, and I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all Member States, IGOs, and NGOs for their unwavering support.

With our usual cooperation and collaboration, I am confident that our discussions will be open and constructive, enabling us to make the necessary decisions that will shape the future of our Organization for the next biennium and beyond.

Under the able leadership of your Chair, Mr. Victor Jimenez Fernandez of Spain, and your Vice-Chair, Mrs. Amane Fethallah of Morocco, I have no doubt that you will achieve great success in your deliberations.

I look forward to meeting you at the reception following today's meeting.

Once again, I express my deepest gratitude for your continued confidence, support, and cooperation.

I wish you all a highly productive and successful meeting.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.
