Event for the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of China’s Legal Seat at IMO, 25 September 2023

Keynote remarks by IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Kitack Lim

25 September 2023

Vice-Minister, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the Government of the People's Republic of China for the invitation to this celebratory event.

It is both a privilege and an honor to be here, as we gather to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China joining the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

This occasion is particularly significant for me, as it marks not only a celebration of China's historic commitment to the IMO but also my final visit to China in my capacity as the Secretary-General of IMO. I am truly delighted to be part of this momentous event, sharing it with all of you.

In today's interconnected world, shipping plays a vital role in sustaining the global economy. It carries more than 80 percent of global trade, serving as the backbone of the international supply chain.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties that continue to shape our world, the international shipping industry operates day in and day out, ensuring the seamless flow of goods to every corner of the globe.

High standards and robust regulations are indispensable for the effective operation of shipping in the modern world.

Therefore, it is crucial that rules and regulations for shipping continue to be adopted and implemented globally through IMO.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the IMO Convention, which established IMO, a United Nations specialized agency, as the global standard-setting authority for shipping.

Through IMO, our Member States collaboratively develop and adopt safety, security, environmental, and facilitation standards for international shipping. These standards are then universally applied and enforced, ensuring a level playing field for a truly global industry.

At present, IMO has 175 Member States, with China being one of the most dedicated and active among them.

Throughout these decades, the international regulatory framework established by IMO and its Member States has continually evolved constantly adapting to new demands.

These demands include the imperative to combat climate change and embrace the latest technologies as we journey towards digitalization and automation.

Our top priority remains ensuring the safety of ships, navigation, seafarers, and passengers through global standards encompassing ship design, construction, equipment, operation, crewing, and seafarer qualification and training, as well as safety management and operation. We continuously enhance our safety-related instruments to uphold these standards.

As we continue to work toward a sustainable future for shipping, we must embrace digitalization and innovative technologies, including automation. However, it is essential to keep the human element at the forefront of this technological transition.

We must seize the opportunities presented by the digital revolution to enhance efficiency in shipping across ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore interfaces facilitating the global supply chain.

IMO is taking a proactive approach to address new challenges, as exemplified by this year's World Maritime theme: "MARPOL at 50 - Our commitment goes on."

Over the years, IMO measures have contributed to the ongoing greening of the shipping industry. Many of our regulatory advancements have catalyzed technological innovations to address contemporary challenges, from ballast water management to preserving biodiversity and improving energy efficiency.

IMO is firmly committed to ensuring that the maritime sector plays its part in addressing the global climate crisis.

A significant milestone in this journey is the recent adoption of the 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping.

This groundbreaking achievement sets an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around, i.e. close to, 2050.

While this ambitious strategy may not entirely align with the expectations of every Member State, it is the result of years of strenuous negotiations and has garnered unanimous approval from all Member States – of course including China.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering cooperation, collaboration, and patience of our Member States and industry representatives.

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Government of China for their tremendous support in these negotiations.

But this is just the beginning. Achieving our net-zero goal requires the implementation of comprehensive measures in line with the agreed schedule. Your continued support and cooperation in this endeavor are invaluable.

The green and digital future holds tremendous opportunities for us all. By embracing innovation and technological development, shipping will continue to thrive as the primary driver of global trade and the global supply chain.

And this growth must be underpinned by a regulatory framework that upholds the highest standards.

A greener, more innovative, and efficient maritime sector is essential if we are to meet our global ambitions and secure the needs of future generations.

Communication and collaboration within the maritime community have been central to IMO's achievements, and we must strive to enhance and improve these efforts further.

I extend my sincere appreciation to all Member States, with a special appreciation to Government of China, for their collaboration and communication across all critical areas of IMO's work. The importance of collective efforts on these issues cannot be underestimated.

China has been a prominent participant in global maritime governance and has made substantial contributions to the development of shipping.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate continued cooperation with the Chinese Government to jointly advance the sustainable and healthy development of the international shipping industry.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to China on 50 years of remarkable commitment to IMO, and I wish all of you the very best for the prosperous years that lie ahead. 

Thank you.