IMLI refurbishment inauguration ceremony, October 2023

Opening remarks - Mr. Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General and Chairman, IMLI Governing Board

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Honorable Minister, Esteemed Director of IMLI, 

Distinguished guests,

Dear IMLI Students, 

It is a great pleasure to be here today, as IMLI welcomes the latest cohort of students - the 35th generation of maritime professionals embarking on their academic journey here in Malta.  

It is wonderful to be here in this newly refurbished lecture hall.  

I express my thanks and gratitude to the Government of Malta for their generous funding and for their continued and ongoing support to IMLI. This hall truly honours the IMLI founders and creators: IMLI Secretary-General Emeritus C.P. Srivastava, former Maltese Minister for Maritime Affairs Joe Fenech and former IMLI Director David Attard. 

These facilities will allow IMLI to be even more accessible to the global maritime community through the use of hybrid learning technologies – thereby realizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 on ‘Quality Education’, and ensuring that IMLI continues to deliver quality education, accessible for all. 

In addition to these advancements, this year's students will benefit from the refurbished student accommodation.  

I thank the Government of the Republic of Korea, which has financed these improvements, through the IMO Voyage Together Trust Fund. I am sure that a better study environment, along with enhanced living premises, will greatly improve the students’ quality of life during their studies at IMLI.  

Distinguished Guests, 

The maritime sector needs specialized legal expertise in maritime affairs, and IMLI, founded in 1988, was established to ensure that all countries worldwide have access to these experts.  

The 64 maritime professionals beginning their journey today in the Masters program follow in the footsteps of thousands who have graduated from IMLI, many of whom now hold high-level positions in government and the private sector as well.  

I also extend a warm welcome to the seven students enrolled in the Advanced Diploma program, as well as those who will participate in IMLI's specialized short courses focusing on training and professional development throughout this academic year.  

The IMLI family and the large IMO community continues to grow – the networks created are truly remarkable. 



Your academic journey will be intensive, but you will not be alone. Exceptional mentors including the IMLI Director, faculty and administrative staff will be by your side, providing unwavering support throughout your time at IMLI to ensure that your experience is truly unforgettable.  

I am very confident that you will follow in the footsteps of your predecessors and make IMLI, IMO, your generous donors, and your governments very proud. 

I wish you every success in your academic journey. 

I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to all donors and countries that made financial donations and provided fellowships. 

It remains for me to extend my heartfelt congratulations to IMLI for its outstanding new facilities and, once again, express my deep appreciation to the Government of Malta for the continuous support to this remarkable institution.  

I wish all of you every success in your future endeavours.