​International Maritime Hub, Glasgow, opening reception

International Maritime Hub

Opening reception

Tuesday 2 November

Riverside Campus, City of Glasgow College

Remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Your Royal Highness, Prime Minister, Ministers, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honour to speak at the opening of the International Maritime Hub.

I would like to express my appreciation to Maritime UK for the initiative of a hub that has provided a home for the maritime community during this monumental conference. My appreciation to our host Mr. Paul Little, Principal and Chief Executive at City of Glasgow College.

As mentioned by many head of nations, the latest climate reports send a clear message. We urgently need to accelerate decarbonization in all industrial and transport sectors. Maritime has to play its part.

Shipping's decarbonization journey has been progressing in accordance with IMO's GHG Strategy adopted in 2018 and concrete measures to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions have already been adopted with additional measures under discussion.

We can already see the impact of these actions, prompting industry and Member State initiatives within the maritime community.

On top of that, we must upgrade our ambition in keeping with the commitments agreed by the global community.

To make shipping's decarbonization a reality, investments in renewable energy and port infrastructure around the world are crucial.

We also need to make sure to leave no one behind – paying particular attention to the needs of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries.

Developing countries need equitable access to the opportunities presented by the accelerated decarbonization of global shipping.

IMO has been providing various programmes and promoting partnerships among Member States and industry. However, taking into account the impacts on States by further GHG measures, substantial resources need to be secured in the future to address disproportionate negative impacts.

The maritime sector has an opportunity and an imperative to take action.

We need to act collaboratively inclusively, equitably and sustainably, leaving no one behind. 

I am certain that the successful outcome of COP 26 will be driving force for progress at IMO and keep the global maritime community at the heart of efforts to combat climate change.

Thank you!