Korea Maritime Week - opening ceremony

Korea Maritime Week

Busan, Republic of Korea, 21 September

Congratulatory remarks at the opening ceremony by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be back here in Busan to participate in Korea Maritime Week.  

I congratulate our hosts, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, for once again putting together a comprehensive programme, to celebrate the maritime sector and to discuss opportunities and deliberate on the current challenges that face the industry.

IMO, as the global regulator of international shipping with a comprehensive framework of instruments developed over more than seven decades is fundamental for shipping's safety, security and sustainability.

As shipping evolves, IMO Member States along with the industry and partners throughout the UN system and beyond, work tirelessly to ensure this framework is constantly enhanced and strengthened.

The COVID-pandemic and current geopolitical issues have only served to increase the world's awareness of its reliance on the maritime sector, and specifically on shipping and seafarers' invaluable role in global trade.

Shipping is undergoing substantial change in many diverse ways. During this transition, collaboration, cooperation and communication remain key to ensuring that IMO's regulatory framework is constantly enhanced and strengthened.

The imperative to tackle climate change is a major topic that is high on our agenda, and I am pleased to see that it is the theme of your discussions today.

Later, you will look at automation and digitalization, which also present both challenges and opportunities.

But there are many other strands such as tackling marine litter and enhancing gender diversity in maritime that are equally important in strengthening IMO's objectives of ensuring the safety and security of shipping, the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships and the support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We must all work together to ensure that the transition the maritime sector is going through is just and equitable, leaving no one behind. 

I thank the Republic of Korea for their important contribution to the work at IMO and the generous support to several IMO technical cooperation programmes and activities that support this goal.

I am looking forward to the discussions ahead and wish you a successful Korea Maritime Week.

Thank you.
