London International Shipping Week, Headline Conference – Reframing Risk in a Complex Market

London International Shipping Week,  Headline Conference – Reframing Risk in a Complex Market

IMO Headquarters

Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

13 September 2023

Good morning, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you as we gather here at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Headquarters, for this significant and prestigious conference.

IMO, as the global forum for shipping regulations, is the perfect venue for this important event that has become a pivotal moment in our shipping calendar.

Even in these times of unprecedented global challenges and uncertainties, the international shipping industry continues to function efficiently, ensuring the seamless movement of goods worldwide. It is the engine that powers the global economy.

However, we must also acknowledge and reflect on the profound transformation taking place within our industry.

Shipping is undergoing a significant transformation as it grapples with the imperative of combating climate change while embracing the latest technologies in the strive towards digitalization and automation.

We can only successfully navigate this major transition and respond to the ever-evolving needs of a green and sustainable maritime sector – and with this also address any risks related to this transition - if all maritime stakeholders work together.

IMO serves as the global facilitator for these collaborations. As the global standard-setting body for shipping, IMO ensures that the maritime sector operates safely, securely, efficiently, and sustainably, all in support of global trade.

High standards and robust regulations are indispensable for the effective operation of shipping in the modern world.

Therefore, it is crucial that rules and regulations for shipping are adopted and implemented globally through IMO.

A significant milestone in this journey is the recent adoption of the 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping by IMO. This groundbreaking achievement sets an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around, i.e. close to, 2050.

While it may not fully meet the expectations of every member state, it reflects the result of years of strenuous negotiations, unanimously approved by all member states.

This would not have been possible without the unwavering cooperation, collaboration, and patience of our Member States and industry representatives. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you.

However, this is not our ultimate goal.

To achieve the net-zero goal, we must proceed with the implementation of the comprehensive measures in accordance with the adopted schedule. Your continued support and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

IMO's ambitious strategy aims to incentivize technology development, innovation, and research into low- and zero-carbon fuels. Already, we are witnessing a surge in R&D initiatives worldwide focused on these alternative fuels, alongside examples of technological innovation, with hydrogen and ammonia vessels in pilot stages.

The green future holds tremendous opportunities for all.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Throughout its history, the shipping industry has successfully navigated many transitions.

During my nearly eight years as IMO Secretary-General, I have witnessed not only challenging times for shipping but also for the world at large.

Yet, through collaboration within our global maritime community, we have steered through uncharted waters successfully.

I extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to IMO Member States and maritime stakeholders for their unwavering support to IMO's work.

As we continue our journey toward decarbonizing shipping, embracing digitalization and automation, and supporting our seafarers, each action has the potential to shape a better future.

Through collaboration—the backbone of all our efforts and successes - we will ensure a successful and equitable voyage, harnessing the strength of the global maritime community.

As the global forum for international shipping, IMO will continue to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders in the maritime ecosystem, propelling shipping into a digital, decarbonized, and sustainable future.

I am confident in a prosperous future for the maritime sector. 

Thank you.