Maritime Cyprus Conference 2023

Maritime Cyprus 2023

Theme of session: "Shipping in Action: An Agenda for Change"

Opening remarks

Good morning, Mr. President, excellencies, and distinguished guests,

I am deeply honored to be here today at Maritime Cyprus, where we gather to explore the future of the maritime sector under the fitting theme: "Shipping in Action: An Agenda for Change."

I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to the President of the Republic of Cyprus, the Shipping Deputy Ministry, the entire Government of Cyprus, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber, and the Cyprus Union of Shipowners for organizing this pivotal event in our annual shipping calendar.

Every year, Maritime Cyprus brings the maritime community together, showcasing its unwavering strength and potential. Emphasizing and embodying this spirit of community through cooperation and collaboration is now more important than ever.

Because we all are aware that, in a world fraught with unprecedented global challenges and uncertainties, the international shipping industry remains a steadfast force, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of goods across the globe.

As we will witness throughout the discussion and conversation at Maritime Cyprus, it leads the way towards a propound transition in maritime with innovative technologies promoting decarbonization, digitalization, and automation.

Our success in navigating this transition depends on collaboration among all maritime stakeholders.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) serves as the global facilitator for these collaborations. As the global standard-setting body for shipping, IMO ensures that the maritime sector operates safely, securely, efficiently, and sustainably in support of global trade.

Robust global regulations and the highest practicable standards are essential for the sustainable and efficient operation of international shipping.

Therefore – as I always stress - it is imperative that rules and regulations for shipping are globally adopted at IMO and implemented globally by the maritime community.

A significant milestone in this journey for global regulations towards a green and sustainable shipping sector is the recent adoption of the 2023 Strategy on the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shipping by IMO.

This - as I believe we can all agree on - groundbreaking agreement sets an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by or around, i.e. close to 2050.

Like many collaboratively negotiated agreements, it may not entirely align with the expectations, and ambitions of every Member State. However, it stands as the outcome of years of demanding negotiations, unanimously adopted by all IMO Member States.

This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering cooperation, and collaboration of our Member States and industry representatives. Thank you for this.

However, this milestone represents just the starting point.

The moment for action has arrived.

As underscored by this year's Maritime Cyprus theme - "Shipping in Action" is the imperative now to transform the ambitions outlined in the 2023 GHG Strategy into tangible reality.

First, to achieve the net-zero goal, we must implement comprehensive measures in accordance with the adopted schedule. Your continued support and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Second, to drive the change necessary, IMO's ambitious GHG strategy also aims to stimulate technology development, innovation, and research into low- and zero-carbon fuels.

As testament to the impact of IMO's global regulations, we are already observing a surge in R&D initiatives focused on these alternative fuels, along with technological innovation, including pilot projects for hydrogen and ammonia vessels. I invite the maritime industry to continue on this promising path.

Closing remarks

Ladies and gentlemen,

As this marks my final attendance at Maritime Cyprus as IMO Secretary-General, it is a moment for reflection.

Throughout its history, the shipping industry has successfully navigated many transitions.

During my nearly eight years as IMO Secretary-General, I have witnessed not only challenging times for shipping but also for the world at large.

Yet, through collaboration within our global maritime community, we have navigated uncharted waters successfully.

I extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to IMO Member States and maritime stakeholders for their unwavering support of IMO's work.

As we navigate the path toward decarbonizing shipping, embracing digitalization and automation, and providing unwavering support to our seafarers, collaboration among all maritime stakeholders remains the cornerstone of all our endeavors. It is the key to a successful and equitable transition, harnessing the collective strength of the global maritime community.

As the preeminent global forum for international shipping, IMO stands at the forefront, committed to facilitating these vital collaborations within the maritime ecosystem. Together, we will drive shipping into a future that is digital, decarbonized, and sustainable - a future well within our grasp.

I look forward to today's discussions, demonstrating "Shipping in Action" through collaboration among all maritime stakeholders, shaping a sustainable and prosperous future not only for the maritime industry but also for our planet. Thank you.