Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 11) - Opening remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 4 June, 2024

Good morning distinguished delegates, 

Welcome to the 11th session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue.

Our role here at IMO is to navigate those risks and maintain shipping as a safe, secure and environmentally friendly industry, which the majority of the world’s population relies on. 

Seafarers are still facing a multitude of dangers while undertaking their day-to-day jobs. The escalation of tensions in the Red Sea, in particular, underscores the level of exposure to risks that maritime operations have.

I strongly condemn any type of attack against international shipping, regardless of its motivation or cause, and I reiterate my call for the immediate and unconditional release of the Galaxy Leader and its crew. I reiterate the Organization's strong commitment to protect seafarers, ships and cargoes at sea. IMO will continue to work closely with Member States and all stakeholders, to uphold the safety of seafarers and protect the freedom of navigation at sea, in accordance with international law.

An important event I would like to bring to your attention is the “2nd WMO-IMO Symposium on Extreme Maritime Weather” which will be held at IMO from 23 to 26 September 2024. This Symposium is built on the success of the first one held in 2019, presenting an opportunity to bridge the knowledge gap towards a safer shipping. I would like to encourage your participation in this event.

Your Sub-Committee has important items on the agenda for this session.

MSC 108 made important decisions on dissemination of information over multiple recognized mobile satellite services under GMDSS and instructed you to prepare draft amendments to the SOLAS Convention. The Committee, in relation to recognition and implementation of new terrestrial GMDSS services, also instructed NCSR to consider NAVDAT implementation issues and the implications of its introduction, including coordination with existing NAVTEX services and carriage requirements.

Your Sub-Committee has several items on its agenda dealing with either the introduction of new communication systems, or the improvement of existing ones in order to provide seafarers with efficient and reliable services that are compatible with modern digital technologies. Your considerations at this session will play a decisive role in integrating new, emerging and advancing technologies in the regulatory framework.

The revision of SOLAS regulation V/23 and associated instruments to improve the safety of pilot transfer arrangements is another important item under the agenda of the Sub-Committee.

MSC 108 instructed the Sub-committee to undertake an analysis of its workload, with particular focus on continuous outputs under the purview of the Sub-Committee, ensuring their efficient use and purpose, avoiding any work not falling within their scope. The Committee also instructed the Sub-Committee to explore additional measures to return to five-day sessions.  

I look forward to fruitful deliberations on these matters and your ideas to keep any necessary continuous outputs within the "SMART" principle of the Organization so that progress during the biennium can be assessed. This includes, of course, the intersessional arrangements under the Sub-Committee. 

Before concluding my address, I wish to acknowledge that your able Chair, Mr. Nigel Clifford of New Zealand, and Vice-Chair, Mr. Alexander Schwarz of Germany, are no longer available to serve to this Sub-Committee and have stood down. In this regard, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Mr. Clifford and Mr. Schwarz for their extensive service and dedication over the past years.

I am confident that under the guidance of your new Chair and Vice-Chair, whom you will elect soon, as well as the staff of Maritime Safety Division together with the staff of supporting divisions, you will be able to successfully achieve the objectives set for this session.

Before we move on the election of the Chair and Vice Chair, I extend best wishes to all of you for every success in your deliberations; and I invite you all to join me and the Secretariat at my welcome reception after the close of today's business.

Thank you.
