Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 9), 4-8 April 2022 - opening remarks


Excellencies, distinguished delegates, good morning, good afternoon, good evening:

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the ninth session of the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response, which for the second time is being held remotely.

While the pandemic has created challenging circumstances for the Organization and the maritime sector as a whole, the work of this Organization has continued at pace, particularly in the areas of pollution prevention and response. This has been thanks to the commendable commitment of Member States, IGOs and NGOs, in submitting proposals and carrying out work during remote meetings and intersessionally.

I would like to draw your attention to this year's theme for the World Maritime Day: "New Technologies for greener shipping", highlighting IMO's commitment to support the transition of the maritime sector into a sustainable green future through technological innovation.

The theme provides an opportunity for the entire Organization to focus on the importance of clean maritime transport and the need to build back better and greener in a post-pandemic world. Naturally, your Sub-Committee plays a significant role in realizing that transition to greener shipping.

This brings me to the business at hand for this session. You have a full agenda with many important matters that need to be progressed. 

With regard to work linked to the Action Plan to address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships, you will consider proposals concerning the transport of plastic pellets, as well as reporting and marking of fishing gear. In this connection, the adoption by the United Nations Environments Assembly of the resolution to "End Plastic Pollution: Towards an internationally legally binding instrument" provides added impetus to hasten our efforts to address marine plastic litter from sea-based sources in cooperation with FAO and UNEP in particular.

In relation to marine biosafety, at this session you will consider a variety of topics which include, inter alia, the revision of the guidelines associated with the AFS Convention, the continuation of the revision of the Biofouling Guidelines; and the further development of a protocol for verification of ballast water compliance monitoring devices.

In the context of prevention of air pollution from ships, I encourage you to make as much progress as possible on the evaluation and harmonization of rules and guidance on the discharge of discharge water from exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) into the aquatic environment, as well as on all other matters relating to atmospheric pollution, including the Reduction of the impact on the Arctic of emissions of Black Carbon from international shipping.

Much progress has been made intersessionally on the revision of MARPOL Annex IV and it is important to continue this work in order to ensure the lifetime performance of sewage treatment plants.

I should not fail to mention the ESPH Technical Group, which held its twenty-seventh session remotely last October and has reported to this session. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the Chair of the ESPH Technical Group and the delegations that contributed to the outcome of ESPH 27. 

Despite the large volume of work to be carried out at this session, I urge you to have open and informative discussions, reach agreement and make progress on the important agenda items under consideration aided by the customary IMO spirit of cooperation during your deliberations.

Thank you. 
