Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 11) - Opening remarks


Delivered by IMO Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 13 January 2025.

Good morning distinguished delegates,

I am delighted to welcome you all to the 11th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction; and, as this is our first meeting of the year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2025! 

Before I proceed, it is with profound sadness that I share the news of the passing of our esteemed colleague, from the Mexico delegation, Mr. Abel Escartin Molina. He served as Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Mexico in London, as well as the Alternate Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the IMO. Since joining last year, Mr. Escartin Molina quickly earned the respect and admiration of his colleagues, IMO peers, and the IMO Secretariat alike. His contributions and presence will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of working with him. I am sure that I speak for all of us present here when I say that our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time. I would now like to invite the Sub-Committee to observe a minute of silence to pay tribute to Mr. Abel Escartin Molina.

With regard to the 2025 World Maritime Day Theme, I would also like to highlight this year’s World Maritime Day theme, that is: " Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity. The chosen title reflects the ocean’s vital role in the world economy, including the interlinkages between global socio-economic development, ocean sustainability and global climate balance. As the largest sector operating in the ocean space, shipping plays a central role in this balance. I count on you for the engagement and participation in the initiatives under this theme.

Moving on, I am pleased to inform you that Committee Rooms 11 to 13 on the 2nd Floor are now equipped with hybrid capabilities and will be in operation starting with this session. I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate my gratitude to the Government of China for their financial support on this significant project, and the Conference Division for their effective delivery of this capability.

Since December 2024 there have been very serious casualties occurred at sea, involving loss of life, total losses or severe pollution. While expressing my condolences to the families of the victims and the Authorities concerned, I renew the call for submitting to IMO all relevant information and conclusions gathered through the investigation process to consider any necessary improvement in our regulatory system. 

Furthermore, I would like to remind you of your obligations in applying and verifying rules compliance, which is paramount to reducing and eliminating these kind of accidents. Alongside this, the Secretariat continues to work on improving our delivery of technical assistance to implement IMO instruments.

Regarding the situation in the Red Sea, at present the focus continues to be the safe release of the Galaxy Leader and in particular its crew. However, to achieve this goal, which I am convinced is an objective we all share, I continue to require need your help and assistance. 

In terms of the agenda this week, your Sub-Committee has a number of important matters to consider and to address, such as Emergency Towing Arrangements for ships other than tankers; the revision of Regulation 25 of the 1988 Load Line Convention regarding the requirement for adding the sag standard of chains; the revision of the ESP Code for inclusion of Remote Inspection Techniques; and the comprehensive revision of the 2009 Code on Alarms and Indicators. I am counting on your commitment to finalize matters under your consideration and, thereby, to free some space in the SDC agenda for important future agenda items waiting for discussion.

With respect to the Revision of SOLAS chapters II-1 (part C) and V, and related instruments regarding steering and propulsion requirements, the Sub-Committee will continue the discussions, with a view to achieving the integration of new technologies in the regulatory framework, by accommodating non-traditional propulsion/steering systems appropriately, while also ensuring regulatory effectiveness.

The Sub-Committee is expected to advance further the revision of the interim explanatory notes on Safe return to Port. Needless to say, such a revision will ensure a certain degree of harmonization in the capability of passenger ships in distress, whether in their ability to return to port or for orderly evacuation and abandonment. 

I would also like to mention that the matter of Underwater Radiated Noise is back on your agenda. It is worthwhile reminding you of the achievement of this Sub-Committee in completing the Revised guidelines on the reduction of underwater radiated noise from ships, and the associated URN Action Plan at the last session. The return of URN to SDC's agenda is emanating from the need to make further progress, as instructed by MEPC 82, notably by having close monitoring of the Experience Building Phase, currently ongoing. To this end, I would like to thank Canada and the United States for the “in-kind” consultancy support they are extending to the Secretariat on this matter. In recognizing this support, I would like to underline that due to the amount of work on this important subject, such kind of contribution will be necessary for at least another year and a half, in order for the Secretariat to be able to meet the expectations from the Member States. I would urge all Member States to continue to provide such support. 

You have many important issues before you during this week and I am confident that, under the skilful guidance of your Chair, Mr. Erik Tvedt of Denmark, as well as the staff of the Maritime Safety Division together with the staff of supporting divisions, you will be able to successfully achieve the objectives set for this session. 

I would like to take a moment to renew the memory of Mr. Jaideep Sirkar of the United States, who left us last year. His contribution and inspiration still guide our work. 

To conclude, I extend my best wishes to you for every success in your deliberations; and I warmly invite you all to join me and the Secretariat at the welcome reception in the Delegates' Lounge after the close of today's business.

Thank you.
