Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC 6), 4-8 February 2019 (closing remarks)


Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates and observers,

As we are approaching the end of the sixth session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction, I think we can all agree that it has been an exceptionally busy meeting with a number of very complex technical issues on its agenda.  Now we can all afford to pause for a few moments to look back, with a sense of satisfaction, on what has been achieved during this week.

I would single out, from among the noteworthy achievements of this week:

  • finalization of draft SOLAS amendments on safe mooring and three associated sets of guidelines;
  • finalization of draft amendments to SOLAS chapter II-1 to ensure consistency regarding the provisions for watertight integrity;
  • finalization of the draft 2019 ESP Code;
  • significant progress with the development of second generation intact stability criteria, so that this work may now be finalized at SDC 7; and
  • Progress on development of mandatory instrument for the carriage of personnel on board vessels engaged on international voyages.

All this has been achieved under the skillful and humorous pilotage of your experienced Chair, Mr. Kevin Hunter of the United Kingdom, supported by the Vice-Chair, and with the help of all of you responding to the Chair's request for self-discipline in making concise interventions.

I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the Chairs of the various groups established at this session:

  • Mrs. Adams of the Marshall Islands;
  • Dr. Ota of Japan;
  • Mr. Person of the United States;
  • Mrs. Stemre of Norway;
  • Dr. Szozda of Poland and
  • Mrs. Wilson of IACS,

and to the coordinators of the correspondence groups for their commitment, good-will and cooperation to progress the Sub-Committee's work and, most importantly, achieve consensus decisions. Your Sub-Committee has indeed set the standards for important aspects related to ship design and construction, representing main contributions to the unique IMO knowledge which forms our heritage and ensures the continuous move towards better shipping for a better future.

My appreciation also goes to the dedicated staff in the Maritime Safety Division, in particular to the new Secretary of your Sub-Committee, Mr. Sascha Pristrom, who, I am sure you will agree with me, performed to our full satisfaction, with the active support of his Senior Deputy Director Mr. Jack Westwood-Booth and the leadership of the Director, Ms. Heike Deggim.  I would also like to thank the interpreters, who, as always, facilitated our communication greatly, and to all staff of the Conference Division, in particular, those of the Documents and Meeting Services & Interpretation Sections and the translators.  All of them work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations.

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates,

It is customary at this stage of the meeting to pay tribute to the delegates and members of the Secretariat who have left or are about to leave, for a variety of reasons.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Greg Shark from IACS for his tremendous efforts to this Organization since 1983. I also would like to acknowledge the contributions from Mr. Erick Anwandter from Chile and Ms. Julissa Macchiavello from Peru who have recently returned to their home country to take on new official duties. In saying our farewells, we thank them sincerely for their valuable contribution to the work of the Sub-Committee and IMO and wish them well.

I am also pleased to take this opportunity to wish all of you an enjoyable and very well deserved weekend and, for those travelling back home, a safe trip.
