Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE 11) - Opening remarks
Delivered by IMO Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez on 24 February 2025
Good morning distinguished delegates,
Welcome to the eleventh session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment.
The 2025 World Maritime Theme "Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity" resonates strongly with the work of this Sub-Committee, which contributes directly to the development and implementation of IMO's robust global regulatory framework to ensure safer seas, thereby contributing to environmental protection.
This week, the Sub-Committee has important matters on its agenda, in particular related to life-saving appliances and fire protection.
A significant task before you is to consider containership fire safety, which provides an opportunity to address growing concerns coupled with the increasing sizes of containerships. I am pleased to note that this work has been progressing based on the CARGOSAFE formal safety assessment, focussing not only on ship systems and equipment, such as fixed water monitors and smoke detection on deck, but also on cargo-related issues.
Another important fire safety matter is the consideration of the fire risks associated with ships carrying new energy vehicles, particularly battery-powered electric vehicles. Recent reports underscore the urgent need to evaluate and enhance current fire protection, detection, and extinguishing arrangements in vehicle, special category, and ro-ro spaces. This agenda item offers a pivotal opportunity to consider goal-based safety approaches, to review scientific studies, and to identify regulatory gaps to ensure that ships are better equipped to manage these emerging risks.
Moving on to life-saving appliances matters, I am confident that you will finalize the work on design and prototype test requirements for simulated launching of free-fall lifeboat release systems. This work is essential to ensure that operational testing can be conducted safely and effectively without launching the lifeboats, thereby reducing the risks exposure of crew, while maintaining the integrity of life-saving equipment.
Further progress should be made on the review of resolution MSC.402(96) on maintenance, testing and repair of survival craft and their appliances. This review is crucial to address the practical challenges encountered in the implementation of these requirements, ensuring the continued safety and reliability of life-saving appliances across the maritime industry.
I am hoping that your Sub-Committee will make more progress on the revision of SOLAS chapter III and the LSA Code, which is paramount to modernize and to enhance the standards governing life-saving appliances and procedures. This revision, guided by a goal based standards approach, aims to ensure that functional requirements and expected performances are clearly defined to address identified hazards, at every phase of emergencies requiring the abandonment of a ship, from the alert to the rescue.
There are other areas of work that you have before you, and I am sure that under the capable leadership of your new Chair, Mr. Hironori Eguro of Japan, supported by your experienced Vice-Chair, Mr. Cristiano Aliperta, of Palau, as well as the staff of the Maritime Safety Division together with the staff of the supporting divisions, you will engage in constructive discussions and reach agreement on the matters before you.
My best wishes to you all for another productive session and I invite you all to join me and the Secretariat at the welcome reception in the Delegates' Lounge after the close of today's business.
Thank you.