Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR 10), 10-19 May 2023 (closing remarks)


Friday, 19 May 2023

Delivered by Heike Deggim, Director, Maritime Safety Division.

Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates and observers,

Another productive session of the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications, and Search and Rescue is coming to an end. Having finally resumed in-person meetings, we can reflect with great satisfaction on the achievements of this week.

During this session, by focusing your efforts on key priorities, you have accomplished several notable achievements, which are:

  • Finalization of a draft SN circular on Recognition of ship reporting system in the Pentland Firth (PENTREP);

  • Finalization of recommendatory associated protective measures for a particularly sensitive sea area in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea;

  • Progress made regarding the development of SOLAS amendments and associated instruments to introduce VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) in the IMO framework;

  • Finalization of the revision of MSC.1/Circ.1610 on Description of maritime services in the context of e-navigation;

  • Progress made regarding the development of performance standards for a digital navigational data system (NAVDAT), including manuals, as well as coordination and implementation issues;

  • Finalization of amendments to the revised ECDIS performance standards to facilitate a standardized digital exchange of shipsʹ route plans;

  • Review of reports on LRIT, NAVTEX, and recognized mobile satellite services, among others, and determination of actions to ensure the continuous functioning and performance of different communication systems;

  • Agreement of revisions of the Interim Iridium SafetyCast service manual and the Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information;

  • Significant progress made regarding issues concerning the dissemination of maritime safety information and search and rescue related information over multiple recognized mobile satellite services;

  • Finalization of the IMO position on relevant ITU World Radio Conference 2023 agenda items concerning matters relating to maritime services, including approval of several liaison statements to ITU;

  • Progress made on amendments to SOLAS and associated instruments to improve the safety of pilot transfer arrangements; and

  • Validation of model courses on SAR Administration and SAR On‑scene Coordinator;

Reflecting on the accomplishments of this session serves as a reminder of the essential role this Organization plays in enhancing maritime safety. The actions taken and decisions made by your Sub-Committee are pivotal in implementing effective measures for safe navigation, reliable communications, and improved coordination to prevent maritime accidents and ensure prompt and efficient responses to search and rescue incidents. There can be no doubt that this Organization should continue to lead such developments, addressing all aspects of navigational safety and maintaining a comprehensive vision for the future.

All the accomplishments of this session would not have been possible without the active cooperation of each and every one of you, the delegates. I am grateful for your collaboration and unwavering support for the work of the Organization. Your dedication has been instrumental in driving progress and ensuring successful outcomes.

Special thanks go to your Chair, Mr. Nigel Clifford of New Zealand, for skillfully guiding you through the diverse and intricate subjects on your agenda. He was ably supported by the Vice‑Chair, Mr. Alexander Schwarz, who as usual was actively involved in ensuring that consensus could be reached. Mr. Chair, your exceptional decision-making abilities and exemplary leadership have once again been showcased as you expertly navigated the complex matters of the Sub-Committee with diplomacy and professionalism.

I would also like to thank the Chairs of the working and experts group, Mr. Alexander Schwarz of Germany, Mr. Joris Brouwers of the Netherlands, Mr. Stuart Shepard of Australia and Mr. George Detweiler of the United States.

I would also like to take this opportunity to appreciate the work of the staff of the Maritime Safety Division for their efforts and dedication, especially your Secretary, Mr. Javier Yasnikouski and his team, including the Technical Officers who provided invaluable support to the working groups, and the Deputy Director, Mr. Ismael Cobos Delgado, for maintaining a comprehensive overview throughout the proceedings. Thanks also go to all staff in the Conference Division, including the Translation and Document Sections, as well as the interpreters. Their tireless commitment, often working long hours, has been pivotal in ensuring the smooth functioning of this meeting.

Last but certainly not least, I would like to extend a special expression of gratitude to Mr. George Detweiler, the Chair of the Experts Group on Ships' Routeing. It is with a mixture of appreciation and sadness that we acknowledge Mr. Detweiler's decision to retire next year, making this the final time he was chairing the Experts Group. Mr. Detweiler has been an active member of the United States delegation, attending meetings of this Organization since NAV 58 in 2012. Throughout his tenure, including chairing the Experts Group since NCSR 4, he has consistently demonstrated unwavering dedication, professionalism and expertise, tirelessly contributing to the success of your work on ships' routeing.

George, you will be missed as Chair of the Experts Group. I think I can speak on behalf of this Sub‑Committee and of the whole Organization when I thank you for all your hard work and contribution to the work of IMO.

I would like to take a moment to share the sad news that Mr. Jami Metsärinne of Finland passed away last summer, just one month after the conclusion of NCSR 9. Mr. Metsärinne had been an active and dedicated representative in IMO since 2009, serving as Finland's Head of Delegation for COMSAR and NCSR meetings ever since COMSAR 16. His commitment and contributions will be greatly missed, and we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and colleagues.

But now it is time for all of us to put the work aside and take a well-deserved rest. Before we part ways, I would like to extend my best wishes for a pleasant weekend to each and every one of you. For those embarking on the journey back home, I wish you a safe trip. See you all next year for NCSR 11.

Thank you.
