Technical Cooperation Committee (TC), 73d session, 16-19 October 2023 (opening remarks)

Monday, 16 October 2023

73rd session of the Technical Cooperation Committee

Opening remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Thank you, Chair.

Excellencies, distinguished delegates, and observers,

I am pleased to welcome you all to the seventy-third session of the Technical Cooperation Committee.

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Captain David Bruce, who represented the Republic of the Marshall Islands at IMO, as Permanent Representative, since 2002 – but whose links with IMO go back nearly 50 years.

Captain Bruce was a great friend to IMO and to all of us. His deep insights into maritime issues were guided by his long experience at sea since the late 1950s and onshore with maritime administration and ship registries since 1972.

Over the decades, his input at IMO meetings has been truly remarkable. Captain Bruce was involved with nearly every aspect of shipping rules and standards developed at IMO, for safety, security, and environmental performance of international shipping. We will all miss his knowledge, expertise, and wisdom.

I convey my deepest condolences, and those of the entire IMO family, to Captain Bruce's family, to the Government of the Marshall Islands and to his colleagues and friends. A condolence book will be available for signing on the fourth floor in my waiting room.

Our sincere condolences also go to the family of Mrs. Mandana Mansoorian for the loss of our great friend and Vice-Chair of your Committee, who represented the Islamic Republic of Iran at IMO, as Deputy Permanent Representative, since 2015. Mandana was very active in her IMO duties, ably representing her country and in her excellent work as the Vice-Chair of the Committee.

Over the years, her considerate, dedication, good collaboration, and constructive approach have been a source of inspiration to many and to me, personally. Mandana was committed to the ideals of the Organization and to raising the profile of IMO, its regulatory work and its many different projects.

I would like to invite you to observe a minute's silence in memory of Captain Bruce and Mrs. Mandana Mansoorian.

Observance of a minute of silence standing

Thank you.

Distinguished delegates,

You have an important agenda ahead of you that reflects the vital role of technical cooperation for the maritime sector.

Key maritime developments continue to influence our technical cooperation focus and priorities. Decarbonization of shipping to address climate change is at the forefront of the global agenda; and digitalization is a driving force that offers new and transformative opportunities for shipping and port activities.

These developments bring an unprecedented need to support our Member States with capacity development and technical assistance so they can respond to the changing landscape and achieve the maritime aspects of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

It is therefore with great pleasure to announce the launch of our new IMO Technical Cooperation brochure, which sets out IMO's strategic framework and priorities for supporting Member States to meet their international obligations, as well as strategies for enhancing our important partnerships with donors and implementing partners. I trust that this important foundation will play a key role in navigating IMO on its technical cooperation journey into the future.

This July, IMO adopted the 2023 Strategy on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships, with the ambitious goal to achieve net-zero GHG emission by or around, i.e. close to 2050.

In this context, it is important to highlight the successful joint efforts of the Technical Cooperation Division, the Marine Environment Division, and the Department of Partnerships and Projects to facilitate the consensus-building and decision making through organizing various regional conferences in Africa, Asia and Pacific on the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping and the development of IMO's technical and economic measures to achieve that goal.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Member States and organizations that contribute to the Multi Trust Donor Fund to support IMO's initiatives in this subject matter and those governments that hosted IMO's GHG Conferences.

Technical cooperation will continue to play a fundamental role in implementing IMO's 2023 GHG Strategy. As demonstrated during the recent IMO Green Shipping Conference in Latin America under the theme "Implementing the 2023 IMO Green GHG Strategy by unlocking opportunities and investments" and the establishment of Maritime Just Transition Task Force to enhance the skills of seafarers to competently manage safety and decarbonization measures in the transition towards green and sustainable shipping.

Distinguished delegates,

As you carry out the important work this week to support the implementation of IMO conventions, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the achievements since the last session in 2022.

The continued expansion of our regional presence is a significant contributing factor to IMO's implementation capacity, and I look forward to seeing the benefits in this respect with the ongoing establishment of the Pacific Regional Office and the Middle East and Northern Africa Regional Office.

The Technical Cooperation Division has also spearheaded the partnership between IMO and WMU on the e-Learning pilot project, launched in 2020, that is now constantly expanding.

IMO has also engaged in 36 new partnership arrangements since the last session, to support the delivery of our technical cooperation programme, bringing the total partnerships to 122, with an overall value of $141 million in contributions and pledges.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation and thanks to all those who have contributed generously to IMO's technical cooperation work.

Distinguished delegates,

I remain convinced that the maritime sector will continue to be critical. It is therefore imperative that Member States and development partners continue to ensure that maritime development remains a high priority through productive dialogue and investment.

I am confident that the customary IMO spirit of cooperation will prevail during your deliberations and that you will reach agreement on the agenda items under consideration to enhance IMOs technical cooperation programme in the following months and years.

I wish you all a very successful meeting under your new leadership.

Thank you