WMU Graduation Ceremony, Malmö, Sweden

 31 October 2022

WMU Graduation Ceremony, Malmö, Sweden

Speech by WMU Chancellor and IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim

Dear Graduands, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Nilsson, Professor Ehlers and Mr. Grimaldi,

I am very pleased to address you on this prestigious occasion. We are all delighted to return to the in-person format, which we have missed so much during the pandemic. I am especially pleased to see you all here today, because WMU graduations have been close to my heart since my own graduation from WMU in 1991. Around 1991, the City of Malmö was always quiet by 4.45pm. I can see now the enormous development and wish to congratulate the City of Malmö and the students that enjoy studying in this excellent eco-city.

But today is about your graduation. This is a joyous and inspiring occasion marking the culmination of many months of hard work by everyone of you, and it is a day you will remember for the rest of your lives.

This year, 276 maritime and ocean professionals will receive degrees and diplomas, bringing the total number of WMU graduates to 5,910. Together, you join the mighty international network of WMU graduates, who are a great force for good in the world. You know you can rely on each other and on the professors and staff members that have accompanied you on your educational journey.

You are the next generation of maritime and ocean leaders. You have been equipped to work as experts for the benefit of the international maritime community, and its future rests on your shoulders. Do not forget that it will be our concerted efforts that will ensure that our beautiful ocean is passed on to future generations. The strength of the inter-disciplinary studies offered at WMU is that its graduates are well-rounded, informed, intelligent individuals, with a holistic approach to maritime and ocean subjects.

It has been said that the purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows and for you all now, your windows are flung wide open to the great world beyond, in this vital, essential and fascinating maritime arena.

I know how quickly time passes at WMU. Now, it is time for you to return to your families and friends and take up again your duties in the maritime and ocean world. You will each sail away into your own future, each of you playing a part in IMO's global mission. But remember, you will always be part of the WMU and IMO family. The maritime world is deeply inter-connected. Your paths will cross again with those of your classmates, your predecessors, and your successors.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all organizations and institutions that provide assistance to the University to achieve its global mission. In particular, I extend my sincere gratitude to the Government of Sweden and the City of Malmö, which has hosted and supported WMU since it was founded in 1983. Particularly, I wish to express my appreciation to all the citizens of Malmö who have been generous and polite, always showing their kindness and support to WMU and its students.

My deepest gratitude goes to all the generous donors, who have provided fellowships for the Class of 2022, and those whose financial, fellowship and in-kind support ensures that the University continues to be one of the cornerstones of IMO's capacity-building mission.

I must also offer my thanks to the devoted faculty of WMU who have led you through your studies, and to all the staff who have supported you as you trod the path that led to today.

Especially, I would like to express my outmost appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the President of WMU, Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, whose unwavering steadfastness and devotion to the University has guided WMU to great achievements and continuous successes for the last 7 years.

Dear Graduands,

The future is now yours. This ceremony here today marks your transition from student to graduate of a world-leading international institution and a centre of excellence for the promotion and advancement of international shipping.

You can be proud of what you have achieved. Nelson Mandela said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". The rest of your lives and your careers await you, and I know you will make your way splendidly.

Before I conclude, I want to give you an extra mission. You are going back to your countries and you will be discussing important issues with your governments, like decarbonization. As Mr. Grimaldi mentioned, the whole maritime sector must be united and work out a solution to address decarbonization. In 2023 IMO will adopt the GHG strategy which envisages a reduction in carbon intensity of international shipping. This is a paramount mission for IMO as the UN organization dealing with maritime issues. Decarbonization is an import matter that we cannot avoid; that needs to be sorted at any cost. My request to you is to support the decarbonization goals. We need to work together to adopt the strategy, and I urge you to show your solidarity towards a global solution for decarbonization, along with all Member States and Industry stakeholders that are working hard to make it happen.

I congratulate you on your achievements and hope to meet you in person on a future occasion.

Thank you, and Bon Voyage!
