World Maritime University – Graduation Ceremony 2023

World Maritime University – Graduation ceremony 2023 


Malmö, Sweden

28 October 2023

President, Honourable Mayor of Malmö City, Distinguished participants, Distinguished Guests, Dear Graduands,

I am honoured to address you on this joyous occasion, marking a significant milestone in your journey. The WMU Graduation ceremony holds a special place in my heart, reminiscent of my own graduation in 1991. 

Each year, the graduation ceremony brings together a new generation of graduands, uniting mentors, teachers, family, and friends in celebration.

This year holds particular significance as we celebrate WMU's 40th Anniversary. Four decades since WMU opened its doors to students from around the world, you represent the latest generation of graduates. Guided by ambition, dedication, and the wisdom of our esteemed faculty and staff, you stand here today, part of a proud tradition.

Your graduation signifies the culmination of months of relentless hard work and dedication. It is a moment of immense joy and inspiration, as graduates like you are the lifeblood of our University, and your importance cannot be overstated

Today, 283 maritime and oceans professionals will receive their degrees, contributing to a total of over 6,000 WMU graduates.

This year also stands out with a record number of 10 PhD graduands. My heartfelt congratulations to each of you on this remarkable achievement.

It is often said that, "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant."

Education empowers individuals to think critically, make informed decisions, and fosters a society of independent thinkers.

As you re-enter professional circles, you do so with a profound understanding of your purpose and value in society.

Collectively, WMU graduates form a formidable international network, a force for good in the world.

Your influence as global citizens, educated in a unique environment, will extend far beyond what you can envision today.

You are now part of the WMU family, and by extension, IMO, knowing you can rely on one another, on fellow alumni, and on the professors and staff who have guided you.

Throughout the years, you and your dedicated faculty members have prepared you for this moment. Today, you are well-equipped to lead as the next generation of maritime and oceans professionals. Your particular mission is to help Member Governments of IMO and the whole maritime industry to achieve safer, cleaner maritime community and industry.

Decarbonization, digitalization, seafarers welfare etc.. are issues that are facing us. The whole maritime community is awaiting your efforts. 

As you know, the global maritime community goes through a highly transitional time in terms of the environment surrounding both IMO and the international maritime community. In terms of decarbonization, digitalization automation and our experience which suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic, we thought a lot about the seafarers' welfare who suffered a lot. 

With this in mind, I would like to introduce the impact of decarbonization. IMO adopted the 2023 decarbonization strategy which is aiming towards our 2050 target. We are targeting net zero emissions from industry by or around 2050. It is an ambitious target. We have a 2030 and a 2040 checkpoint target which is highly ambitious. We have a lot to do. Point is, 2023 decarbonization strategy adopted in July this year by unanimous support by 175 Member States and together with the industry representatives after the adoption of the Paris agreement of 2015, this is the first policy strategy which was adopted with unanimous support. But this decarbonization is impacting all mode of maritime community - ship design, ship building, equipment, fuel, port operation, and operation of shipping companies as well. Under the current situation we have a lot of challenges ahead of us.

The future success of the international maritime community rests on your shoulders, as we collectively work to preserve our beautiful oceans for generations to come.

The strength of the interdisciplinary studies offered at WMU lies in producing well-rounded, informed individuals with a holistic approach to maritime and ocean matters. Now is the time for each of you to embark on your unique journeys, contributing to IMO's global mission.

I know how swiftly time passes at WMU, filled with first meetings and partings.

Now, it is time for farewells as you return to your families, friends, and resume your duties. But remember, these farewells are not final. You will forever remain part of the great WMU family, crossing paths with your classmates, predecessors, and successors.

The maritime world is deeply interconnected, and you are now an integral part of it for life.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all organizations and institutions that support WMU in achieving its global mission, financially, in-kind and policy support.

My sincere thanks go to the Government of Sweden and the City of Malmö, which has hosted and supported WMU since 1983.

I am deeply grateful to all the donors who have provided fellowships for the Class of 2023, including governments, the private sector, foundations, and shipping organizations.

I would like to convey my deepest thanks to all faculty members and to all staff of WMU for their devotion and efforts to support all students.

Dear Graduands,

The future is yours to seize. This ceremony marks your transition from students to graduates, and your future lives and careers await you. I have no doubt that you will shine brightly. Ideas have the power to change the world.

I see a room filled with big ideas. Now, let's make those changes happen!

Congratulations on your achievements, and I look forward to meeting you in person on some future occasion.

Finally, this is my last speech as Secretary-General, IMO and Chancellor of WMU. I am very grateful to all faculty and staff members and also to the citizens of Malmo, local government and the government of Sweden for the tremendous support offered to WMU. I really look forward to WMU continuing to grow and to see how much WMU graduates will continue to contribute to the interests of the maritime community.

I wish you all the best and also I wish to WMU every success in its future endeavours.

Thank you.