World Oceans Day 2023

World Oceans Day 2023

IMO Webinar on World Oceans Day 2023

Opening of the event - Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO

Distinguished participants,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to this online event to celebrate World Oceans Day 2023, which is highlighted throughout the United Nations system, this year with the theme of: "Planet Ocean: Tides are changing".

Our planet is truly a "Planet Ocean", as the seas cover almost three quarters of the earth's surface. The ocean is of vital importance to us all, producing half of the planet's oxygen, absorbing 90 percent of the heat we humans generate, and providing a key food source for over 3 billion people.

Shipping is one of the prime users of the oceans, sustaining the majority of world trade and linking global supply chains in all corners of the world.

Over almost 75 years, the International Maritime Organization has developed a comprehensive regulatory regime, not least the MARPOL Convention with its six annexes, to ensure the marine environment is protected from any negative impacts of shipping activities.

For IMO, 2023 is also the year when we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the MARPOL Convention.

Today, as we celebrate World Ocean Day, I am delighted to open this event that will showcase our commitment to the protection of the marine environment through sustainable shipping especially in our work on the prevention of pollution from garbage from ships and to address marine plastic litter.

We look forward to further strengthening our efforts and cooperation with Member States, the UN family and all stakeholders.

Thank you.