2011 meetings

LP CO2 3

The 3rd Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Ocean Fertilization was convened at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montréal, Québec, Canada, from 31 May to 3 June 2011 under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Sue Milburn-Hopwood (Canada).

LP CO2 4-WP.1 - Draft report of the 3rd Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Ocean Fertilization (Secretariat)

LP CO2 4-2-2 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization (Chairperson)

LP CO2 4-2-1 - Option 10 B - Variations on the option submitted to LC 32/LP 4 to achieve the regulation of placement activities that have the potential to harm the marine environment under the London Protocol (Canada)
LP CO2 4-2 - Proposal to continue the work of resolution LC-LP.2(2010) (United States)

LC/SG 34

The 34th eeting of the Scientific Group under the London Convention and he 5th meeting of the Scientific Group under the London Protocol were convened at the Clarion Hotel Euroopa, in Tallinn, Estonia, from 11 to 15 April 2011 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Chris Vivian (United Kingdom).

LC-SG 34-15 - Report Of The Thirty-Fourth Meeting Of The Scientific Group Of The London Convention And The Fifth Meeting of the Scientific Group of the London Protocol (Secretariat) and Corrigendum

LC-SG 34-3 - Report of the Ocean Fertilization Correspondence Group (Chairman)
LC-SG 34-INF.3 - Ocean Fertilization: A scientific summary for policy makers (Secretariat)
LC-SG 34-INF.4 - MARINE CLIMATE ENGINEERING Report by the United States Government Accountability Office – Climate Change: A Co-ordinated Strategy Could Focus Federal Geo-engineering Research and Inform Governance Efforts

LC 33

Contracting Parties to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Convention) and the Contracting Parties to the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention 1972 (London Protocol) met from 17 to 21 October 2011 at IMO Headquarters, London, under the chairmanship of Ms. Chen Yue (China), for their 32nd and 5th Meeting of Contracting Parties, respectively. The following documents from LC 33 are relevant to ocean fertilization:

LC 33-15 - LC 33-15 - Report Of The Thirty-Third Consultative Meeting And The Sixth Meeting Of Contracting Parties (Secretariat)
LC 33-3 - Consideration of the report of the Scientific Groups (Secretariat)
LC 33-4 - Report of the 3rd Meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Ocean Fertilization (Secretariat)
LC 33-4-1 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization - Part 1 (United Kingdom)
LC 33-4-2 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization - Part 2 (United Kingdom)
LC 33-4-3 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization - Part 3 (United Kingdom)
LC 33-4-4 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization - Part 4 (United Kingdom) and Corrigendum
LC 33-4-5 - Report of the Correspondence Group on Ocean Fertilization - Part 5 (United Kingdom)
LC 33-INF.6 - Food for thought on the scope of the London Convention and Protocol in relation to the regulation of Ocean Fertilization Activities (Republic of Korea)
LC 33-WP.3 - Ocean Fertilization: Report of the Working Group (Working Group)