Decision Making

4. Decision making

4.1 A decision that a proposed activity is legitimate scientific research and is not contrary to the aims of the London Convention and Protocol should only be made if all earlier steps of the Framework, including the appropriate consultation and communication, have been satisfactorily completed and conditions are in place that ensure that, as far as practicable, environmental disturbance and detriment would be minimized and the scientific benefits maximized.

4.2 Consent should be sought from all countries with jurisdiction and/or in the Region of Potential Impact, without prejudice to international law including as reflected in the relevant provisions of UNCLOS.

4.3 If the risks and/or uncertainties are so high as to be deemed unacceptable, with respect to the protection of the marine environment, taking into account the precautionary approach, then a decision should be made to seek revision of or reject the proposal.

4.4 Authorization of the project includes the duration and location of the activity, the requirements for monitoring and reporting, and any other conditions required by Contracting Parties. This authorization should be communicated to the Secretariat and relevant countries.