IMO Train the Trainer (TTT) Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation

In 2011, IMO adopted by resolution MEPC.203(62), a suite of technical and operational measures which together provide an energy efficiency framework for ships.  These mandatory measures entered into force on 1 January 2013, as Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI.

In 2013, IMO and the World Maritime University (WMU) developed a Train the Trainer package on the energy efficient operation of ships with a focus on ship management and operational issues to address GHG emissions from ships.  This Train the Trainer package was prepared to provide materials for a series of lectures as well as pedagogic aspects to prospective trainers who  themselves in turn would provide training courses in this relatively new and developing field.  The whole package aims to support the IMO capacity building activities that are primarily targeted at developing countries.

In 2015, a comprehensive update of the Train the Trainer package was carried out by IMO and the Energy and Emissions Solutions (EnEmSol), UK, adding updated information, such as relevant details from the Third IMO GHG Study 2014, on-going consideration by IMO on further energy efficiency measures for ship, new module on the regulatory framework related to the energy efficiency of ships, an EEDI Calculator for training purposes and associated training resources such as presentations, posters, exercises and assignments.

This updated Train the Trainer package can be downloaded from the following links:

Trainers’ Manual

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Module material

Course Module



Module 1:

Climate Change and the Shipping Response

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Module 2:

Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations and Related Guidelines

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Module 3:

From Management to Operation

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Module 4:

Ship Board Energy Management

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Module 5:

Ship Port Interface for Energy Efficiency

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Module 6:

Energy Management Plans and Systems

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Pre-Training Assignment

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

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Course Exercises

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EEDI Calculator and relevant documents

(For Module 2)

EEDI Calculator, EEDI Technical Files for test case 1 to case 5 and related Guidelines Download (zip)

Relevant document

Pedagogics (May 2013)

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