IMO at COP 16

In pursuing its mission – safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean
oceans – IMO works vigorously and consistently towards developing a comprehensive regulatory regime aimed at effectively protecting and preserving both the marine and atmospheric environment from pollution by ships.
oceans – IMO works vigorously and consistently towards developing a comprehensive regulatory regime aimed at effectively protecting and preserving both the marine and atmospheric environment from pollution by ships.
It is against this backdrop and further to its mandate that the Organization will participate in the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún, Mexico, where it will seek to ensure that the UNFCCC Parties continue to entrust IMO with developing and enacting global regulations to control GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade.
IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has given extensive consideration to the control of greenhouse gas emissions from ships over several years and has finalized specific technical and operational reduction measures, currently under consideration for mandatory application. On the issue of market-based mechanisms, IMO is working in accordance with a work plan culminating in 2011.
IMO will provide the Conference with updated information on its GHG work through official submissions, outreach activities, an IMO exhibition booth, at side events and through the UN system activities. The IMO delegation will be headed by the Secretary-General, Mr. Efthimios Mitropoulos.
IMO’s objectives for COP 16/CMP 6
IMO’s main objectives for the Mexico Conference (COP 16/CMP 6) are that:
- | IMO continues to be entrusted with the development and enactment of global regulations on the control of GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade; |
- | the regulations should be applied to all ships according to the non-discriminatory principle on which the IMO regulatory framework is based; and |
- | the interests of developing countries are fully taken into account, through IMO’s Technical Cooperation Programme and by distribution of revenues generated by a market-based instrument for international shipping, under the auspices of IMO. |