Facilitation Committee

The Facilitation Committee (FAL) deals with matters related to the facilitation of international maritime traffic, including the arrival, stay and departure of ships, persons and cargo from ports. The Committee also addresses digitalization, including the single window concept, and aims to ensure that the right balance is struck between regulation and the facilitation of international maritime trade.
The Facilitation Committee is responsible for updating the FAL Convention. and meets annually.
More information on the latest meetings of the FAL Committee and its reports is available here.
Engaging stakeholders in Facilitation
For the FAL Committee to function effectively, it is important that all stakeholders involved in the facilitation of maritime transport, both Government agencies and industry, are represented in national and observer delegations to the IMO and that they participate actively in the meetings, exchanging views and best practice on more efficient measures and promoting harmonization and standardization.
Thus, it is also important to increase the representation of the port sector, border control authorities and related organizations at other IMO meetings, in order to foster better understanding of the implications and impact of IMO regulations on the port sector and vice versa. For instance, ports need to provide efficient and environmentally sound facilities for ship waste disposal and develop procedures for verifying container weights to comply with regulations.
For more information on the History of Facilitation, click here.
Links of interest
• FAL Committee meetings summaries
Reports of the FAL Committee since 2000 can be downloaded from the list below: