Principles of minimum Safe Manning

The IMO Assembly, at its 21st session in 1999, adopted resolution A.890(21) on Principles of safe manning, which revoked existing resolution A.481(12).
Amendments to the
Principles of safe manning were adopted by resolution A.955(23) in 2003, which was subsequently revoked by the current
Principles of minimum safe manning (resolution A.1047(27)), adopted in 2011.
This resolution notes that safe manning is a function of the number of qualified and experienced seafarers necessary for the safety and security of the ship, crew, passengers, cargo and property and for the protection of the marine environment. In addition, it highlights that the ability of seafarers to maintain observance of relevant requirements is also dependent upon conditions relating to training, hours of work and rest, occupational safety, health and hygiene and the proper provision of food and that international acceptance of broad principles as a framework for administrations to determine the safe manning of ships would materially enhance maritime safety, security and protection of the marine environment.
The objectives of these Principles are to ensure that a ship is sufficiently, effectively and efficiently manned to provide safety and security of the ship, safe navigation and operations at sea, safe operations in port, prevention of human injury or loss of life, the avoidance of damage to the marine environment and to property, and to ensure the welfare and health of seafarers through the avoidance of fatigue.