IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, both in person or virtual, for their invaluable contribution in making the IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023 a success.
The full recording of the day-long event can be viewed here.
About the Innovation Forum 2023
The IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum is a hybrid (live in person at the IMO Headquarters in London and virtual) global platform aimed at championing innovation to accelerate the transition of the marine sector towards a zero- and low-emission future. The 3rd edition was held on 28 September 2023 and focussed on addressing the specific needs of developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
The event is supported by the Government of Norway, the IMO Secretariat and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in order to promote innovation by providing a global platform to exchange best practices and fill necessary gaps by gathering ideas and latest developments from all competent international policymakers.
Key Goals
The aim of the Innovation Forum is to:
- Showcase the demonstration of green technologies and their deployment globally in a manner that facilitates blue economic growth in developing regions;
- Hold discussions and generate a debate around new ways of financing sustainable maritime transport;
- Bring industry stakeholders, academia and global research centers together to offer inclusive solutions for maritime decarbonization for trials along specific shipping routes in the Asia-Pacific region.
Focus Areas:
1. Addressing research, technology and infrastructure needs of developing countries, especially LDCs and SIDS as well as research and partnerships needs for developing innovative GHG technologies and financial needs for their piloting, distribution/entering of the market particularly in developing countries;
2. Decarbonizing the Maritime Sector: Innovative approach to bridging the Global North-South Gap;
3. The role of ports in ensuring comprehensive environmental protection from shipping activities;
4. Development of Smart Technology to Support the Collection and Management of Marine Debris;
5. New and emerging models of financing, and how these can be leveraged to fund decarbonization efforts in the maritime sector.
After the adoption of the Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships on 13 April 2018, the Government of Norway, the IMO Secretariat and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) discussed ways and means for supporting the Strategy to reduce emissions from shipping through advocating and promoting technological innovation, and a clear gap was identified in terms of providing a global platform to discuss these ideas, leading to the establishment of the IMO-UNEP-Norway Zero- and Low-Emission Innovation Forum (the Innovation Forum), which acted as a global platform to promote innovation for accelerating the transition of the marine sector towards a zero- and low-emission future. Over the past two years, we have successfully organized consecutive Innovation Forums, with over 1,300 online participants in 2021 and over 1,900 participants (online and in-person) in 2022.
In light of the above, the Government of Norway, IMO and UNEP decided to establish the third Innovation Forum, which was linked to the IMO World Maritime Day and the theme "MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”.
Mr. Craig Eason, Journalist and Founder of Fathom WorldPresentations from the IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023:
Opening remarks by Mr. Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General
Images from IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a shared blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17
Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action in a global partnership.
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Gyorgyi Gurban,;
Ms. Jennifer Okungu,;
Ms. Nora Sahtout,;