For the benefits of sustainable development to be evenly spread, all countries must be able to play a full and active part in maritime activities - building partnerships is key to this. The Partnerships Section of DPP will enhance and strengthen new and existing innovative partnerships, including those with IMO Member States, UN agencies, financial institutions, NGOs, IGOs and the private sector and development/donor agencies, as well as developing new long-term donor-funded projects.
IMO looks forward to continued support for its technical cooperation activities -but we want to explore new ways and new areas of technical cooperation – under what we call 'knowledge partnership'. Our knowledge partnership model brings together IMO's maritime expertise, knowledge and an unrivalled global network, while our partners provide experience, investment and financial expertise, other resources and in-kind support. Together, we support Member States to improve their maritime capacity and infrastructure.
How to Partner with IMO
By matching the differing requirements of developed and less-developed countries with the provision of appropriate resources from donors, DPP intends to tackle some of the major global challenges which impinge on today's maritime world. These partnerships will be in line with the Secretary-General's 'Voyage Together' vision, where no one is left behind when it comes to the effective implementation of IMO's global standards.
The following video expands on some of the ways IMO can work together with partners to improve their maritime capacity and infrastructure.
Update on partnership arrangements signed in 2023
The table below shows the 158 current partnerships by nature of arrangement.
The full list of partnership arrangements with Governments, international organizations and
regional institutions is provided in the annex to document TC 74/4(a).
Nature of partnership arrangement | As at December 2023 |
Letters of agreement (LoAs) - One-off financial support (remittances to IMO) | 55 |
Memorandums of understanding (MoUs)/Framework agreements
- Financial and in-kind support: • Cash supplements (not accounted through IMO) • No-fee experts/free of charge experts • Hosting of technical assistance events - IMO regional presence - Establishment of activity/response centres | 88 |
Implementing partner agreements (IPAs) | 15 |
Total | 158 |
National Knowledge Partnership Officers (NKPOs)
Member States have been requested to designate an IMO National Knowledge Partnership Officer (NKPO). The role of the NKPOs is to act as the national focal points with regard to the development of knowledge partnerships, international development cooperation and resource mobilization efforts by acting as a bridge - facilitating interactions between IMO and the Government of their own countries. A private online Yammer group has been created for IMO and the NKPOs to chat and share relevant documents, links, information and resources.
More information, including the NKPO designation form can be found in Circular Letter No.4004.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a shared blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are an urgent call for action in a global partnership. Among the SDGs, SDG 14 is central to IMO, but the work of IMO and DPP can also be linked to other SDGs including SDG 17.

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