Assistance & Training
Under IMO's Global Maritime Security Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP), we aim to assist member States in the implementation of IMO's maritime security measures which encompass the mandatory provisions set out in SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA Convention) as well as the various guidance adopted by IMO's Maritime Safety Commitee (MSC).
The technical co-operation activities offered to eligible countries vary from workshops and seminars on maritime security to port security needs assessment missions and train-the-trainer programmes. We are able to customize our programme according to the needs expressed by an IMO member State eligible for technical co-operation activities. Click here for more information.
For a report on activities delivered in 2023, click here
Official Requests
Official requests for maritime security technical co-operation programmes need to be sent by duly authorized officials from an IMO member State to the following address:
The Director
Technical Cooperation and Implementation Division
International Maritime Organization