Maritime Person and Baggage Screening and Searching

Maritime Person and Baggage Screening and Searching training course aims to assist with the effective implementation of measures designed to prevent weapons or any other dangerous substances and devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports, and the carriage of which is not authorized, from being introduced into the port facility or on board a ship, we have developed two training courses:
Introduction to Passenger and Baggage Screening and Searching – This 3-day introductory course is intended for port facility security staff, their supervisors and Port Facility Security Officers, and will also benefit ship security staff and Ship Security Officers, and aims to raise awareness of the importance of effectively screening and searching passengers and their baggage. The course content includes: SOLAS chapter XI-2 and ISPS Code requirements; risk assessment; restricted articles/items; design of the screening/search point; searching of passengers; screening and searching of baggage; dealing with oversized baggage; and new technologies.
Practical Maritime Person and Baggage Screening and Searching course – This 5-day course includes a significant practical element and provides hands-on training in the effective use of Walk-Through Metal Detectors and conventional x-ray screening machines to detect weapons or any other dangerous substances and devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports, and includes the provision of security equipment to the Member State including, inter alia, test pieces, imitation firearms, and inert explosives for training purposes. The aim is to provide a "Train-the-Trainer" experience with the Member State being able to use the expertise gained and the security equipment provided to train their security staff in effective screening and search techniques following completion of the course.
Further information on the two courses is available from the IMO Maritime Security Section at