A national workshop on Flag State Implementation (FSI) was held in Tibar, Timor-Leste, to help the country meet its international obligations under IMO conventions and strengthen its maritime governance. 

The training (25-29 November) was hosted by the National Directorate for Maritime Transport (DNTM) under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, in collaboration with IMO. It brought together 23 officials from Timor-Leste’s Maritime Administration to enhance their understanding of the obligations of flag States under IMO instruments. 

Flag State Implementation is a fundamental aspect of global maritime safety, ensuring that ships registered under a country’s flag comply with international standards for safety, security, and environmental protection. 

Participants explored key elements of FSI, such as the responsibilities of flag States, mechanisms for monitoring compliance, and strategies to address risks and challenges. Discussions covered flag State jurisdiction and enforcement, survey and certification of ships, communication of information, and domestic ferry safety. 

The activity, supported by the IMO’s Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP), is part of a wider effort by the Organization to assist Member States in achieving high standards of flag State performance.