GloLitter Partnerships Project
The GloLitter Partnerships is a project between the Government of Norway, IMO and FAO aiming to reduce marine litter.

The global project supports developing countries, including Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), in identifying opportunities for the prevention and reduction of marine litter.
Key Goals
The GloLitter Partnerships project assists developing countries to prevent and reduce marine litter, especially plastic marine litter, within the maritime transport and fisheries sectors and identify opportunities for the reduction of plastic uses in both industries. Within the existing policy and regulatory frameworks, and with help of new tools developed and lessons learned from interventions in other sectors and strategically linking with FAO and other on-going global and regional initiatives related to marine plastic litter (MPL), GloLitter aims to:
- Equip partner countries with knowledge and tools to initiate legal, policy and institutional reforms in shipping and fisheries sectors to address the problems of marine plastic litter in line with international policies and regulations.
- Establish public-private partnerships through the Global Industry Alliance to demonstrate best marine plastic litter management solutions.
- Engage women in tackling marine plastic litter problems through a grants program.
- Facilitate regional and global partnerships between countries and organizations to have a greater impact.
The project aims to develop mechanisms for sustainability, and enhance regional cooperation to support transition of maritime transport and fisheries sectors towards a low plastics future. GloLitter works to achieve its objectives by focusing on a number of areas identified in the recently adopted IMO Action Plan to Address Marine Plastic Litter from Ships, and in complementary actions as identified by FAO, including supporting the provisions of the recently-endorsed FAO Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear.
This major programme will also spur global efforts to demonstrate and test best practices to deal with MPL, and enhance global knowledge management and information sharing to support the objectives. The partnership is three-tiered involving global, regional and country level partners; representing government, industry and non-governmental organizations. Private sector participation will be established through a Global Industry Alliance (GIA) with partners from major maritime and fisheries companies. In addition to identifying new interventions for industry to address sea-based marine plastic litter, the Marine Plastic Litter GIA will build on and promote relevant existing initiatives, such as the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI).
This global project is funded by Norway with a view to establishing a multi-year, multi-donor programme, the proposed initial three and half year and NOK 40 million (about US$ 4.5 million*). The GloLitter project will be executed by IMO in partnership with FAO.
As of 2021, two additional donors are on board: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The Commonwealth of Australia.
Participating Partner Countries
Ten countries have engaged as Lead Partner Countries (LPCs) and a further twenty countries have been selected as Partner Countries (PCs) of the GloLitter Project, from 5 high priority regions (Asia, Africa, Caribbean, Latin America and Pacific).
LPCs will take lead roles in their respective regions to champion national actions in the context of supporting the IMO Action Plan on Marine Litter and the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear. The LPCs and PCs will work together, via a twinning working arrangement, to build regional support for the project.
The 10 Lead Partner Countries are Brazil, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria and Vanuatu.
The 20 Partner Countries are Argentina, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Ecuador, Gambia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Solomon Islands, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga and Viet Nam.
Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a shared blueprint for prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action in a global partnership. Among the SDGs, GloLitter's work can be linked to many of the Goals, as seen above.